What is a pedophile?     This is a tiny piece of what I endeared t be here today. Someone that likes young boys from 12 to 16 plus.   Let dissect these events in my life.  The first photo. is Nick Villiacio I have his correctly spelled name in a file.   A former navy man in ww2. From the east coast meet the first night I was in Hollywood Ca. I was 15 it was the Summer of 69. I had to run away from Indianapolis to save the life of my family when I was kidnapped and raped by a young Marine in Indianapolis that was transferred there by the military because he was indicted for the same thing elsewhere and moved here Just Like the Catholic Priest had done... I saved my family. Nick was a nice man that help me the Moment I meet him. detailed my book "Behind the men's room door.  Named this because one of my Uncles, Johns, clients or tricks worked there for the Federal Court system or FBI. I could pick him out in a picture line up to this day.  He had a nice fatty uncircumcised. He then would get a debriefing on the local special uncles the Democrats were interested in.  In The Old Federal building in downtown Indy second floor men's room south side of the building...   Nick was a giver. He was our first friend in LA 1969 at 15. Two Identical twins. We were a hot ticket. meeting lots of celebrities. One early Saturday morning I had my encounter with The number one Male movie star Rock Hudson.  He was a Pedophile. I turned down sex with him two times.  I never worked d for free or if I did not know where I was going and how I would get back.  The fat man Bopper was a Child Rapist. Even attacked men one time. He threw me on the bed and laid on me I could not move. I was 16. I used logic to get him to let me go. As I had done with the Marine rapist. Calm talk. Unafraid. He would have local teen boys to cover over to his house to cut his grass. Give them beer or Pot and had lots of porn in his bathroom. When they need to go to the restroom he would wait until they got into the books then storm in and make them feel massive shame and have sex. Not sure what he did. Thank God.  I knew this man for 10 years. He was never caught. Nick was a sweetheart with the tiniest dick I had ever or did ever see.  2. Joe Owen Roach. a veteran that severed prison time for murder. Also in La. He was also meet the first night in Hollywood. Lon meets him I meet Nick. They became a friend because of us.  Joe would throw a coffee cup into my face one day. That was the last time I was him. He helps me many times. once when a man tried to force handcuff on me. I said I need to take a dump to get ready and climbed outside his bathroom window on a Main street  200 yards from Hollywood Blvd. and One Block from Hollywood and Vine street.  Joe sent a muscle man down to his apartment for me. I never saw this john again. Joe worked as a Professional Butler. One of his clients a doctor that lives across the street from the Playboy mansion, opposite side. As I waited in the driveway of this doctors house I watched in amazement as Angie Dickerson walked down the driveway to get her morning paper. Joe told me that she and Bert Barack live there.  From 15-18 I meet many supposed directors. I did not care. One John was an Academy Award winner That was From the middle east or India. Had a Mansion in Hollywood and Pasadena. where the Rose bowl is healed. He was the Blacklight poster king. Started the crazes I think.  3. photo. Wayne Cummings. Convicted pedophile. Very Nice friend. Had thousands of events with him. He taught me how to drive his Fire-bird 400 around the new 465. I was 13. At 15 I got my driver's license with the help of a school teacher at Tech. He let me use his new Mustang to get my first license. He also would tell he Who the history man was that was involved in my set up and forced rape at the local paperboy

station go to it in my book. Dick Luger. Then on the local school board. I would cross his path a few other time.  The last to pictures is an uncle called Jerry Lived west of 42 and Keystone. He worked at Eli Lilly. Took me to a new years eve party at the Columbia Club on the circle in Indy.  There were thousands of men from 1965-1972. Until a Drill Sargent broke through to my core Identity .could I stopped. I did continue knowing these men. They were after young men by then. Side note I had sex at 13-15 with several local Catholic priests. They passed us around like candy in The Indianapolis area. I have guessed it to be about 25.  The Attorney General at the time a Short man That lived at the Riley tower. And had a single digit licenses plate. I always looked at the plate to tell if they were local. Not always right but helped with safety.  Get a copy of my book if you dare. Behind the men's room door.


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