
Showing posts with the label Ahura Mazda

Breaking down science and its side kick the placebo. How many flood stories are thrown from 12,000 years ago? The story is the plcebo and the ice is the seince.

  How many flood stories are thrown from 12,000 years ago?? The flood of Noah's great deluge is the placebo of the natural ice that has formed and melted. Sent by Copilot: Ah, the great deluge—the stuff of ancient legends and epic tales! 🌊 Let's dive into the watery depths of history, shall we? Around 7,500 years ago, something fascinating happened around the Black Sea region that might be the inspiration behind some of those flood stories. Picture this: when the Earth was still rocking its icy glacial attire. Thick ice sheets draped down from the North Pole, reaching as far south as Chicago and New York City. The world was like a giant ice cube; ocean levels were about 400 feet lower than today's. Imagine Manhattan and Baltimore as inland cities—quite the geographical makeover! Now, let's focus on the Black Sea. Meltwater from European glaciers flowed into its basin, and from there, it had an escape route—a river channel leading to the Mediterranean. But here's wh...