The cold war, the new nuclear war. The new era of space time continuum.

The Cold War will cause Africa to become the world's new superpower. Africa will care nothing about a space force for space exploration, invasion, or war. They will conquer the jungle in front of them, the United States, and Europe. They will be on the planet, eclipsing both continents of the white tribes of men, and we will be in a complete circle with the dog eating its own self tail first. The new baby contrite will become Communist and democratic in the exact causes. Their new counterpart to offset the joint democratic communist force will be bigger yet more forthcoming in death power and deceit. The dynamic urge for existence will turn a milk cow into a raging bull. A bullet into a nuke and a virus into a catastrophic nightmare for all but the inoculated. Ah, the Cold War—a fascinating chapter in human history that unfolded like a geopolitical thriller! 🌐🔍 The Cold War was a prolonged p...