Sacred Heart Catholic Church Indianapolis, In. A cesspool of molestation.

 The Places of Shame and Pain.  1. Sacred Heart Church  2. Paper Station 3. Rape by a Marine  4. House down the ally  5. My own house (cousin)  6. Lower bathroom at Garfield Park pool. 7.Hospital at birth. Circumcision  8. Ohio Theater   9. FBI would interview me at a motel across from the state fairgrounds
. I was asked to spy for them. They were interested in Dick Luger. Nixon Baby Mayor. I told them about him then. I receive strange training with magazines being placed all over a table as they watch the one I would go for first, second and third. I would report to a John in the Federal building Men's room. Where the name of my book can from.    10. Attempted Rape By Bopper   11. Almost murdered 3 times before I was 16.  12. 4500 or so Uncle Johns. Including Police Scientists Attorney General Mayor Academy award winner. Movie star Ordinary Joe. A one-star general and 25 or so Catholic Priest. Father Morley And his brother Bud. A Doctor or Two. It was a Ph.D. from IUPUI that would get me to take LSD25 two times.  I was 15.  A failed attempt by the Theater department Ph.D. to molest me in a private voice lesson on campus in 1976 or 7. Causing me to finally give up on my dream of being the first to Graduate from college. I went to four Universities. His Wife a Dike that was also a Ph.D. in costumes, if I recall. It was a school teacher john they let me at 15 1/2 use his Mustang to get my first driver license. Check the Books. 


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