
Showing posts with label the public party of Indiana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the public party of Indiana. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

The basics of existence, or the tree of life.

 What is life? What is living? What is the cause of it all? Why do we do what we do? Why do we know? Why do we go to extremes? Why do we live to have life and want things? To do things, opposite of not doing something? To love hurt or harm each other? Why are you there? Why is there me? a Him her them those others? Other lands, Other locations, Places of wonder, Places of fright. Or Bumps in the night. Is there Death? Was this a life? Is life but a dream, a cause, a sensation, or a way of existence? Is existence life? Is a Planet an atom? Is the environment Eve? Is the wind a motion or the movement of a wave? Why do an egg and a seed make a life? Are a source and the ground like a seed and an egg? Is the location the environment of a family? Are an origin and an egg placed in a family like the location of a tree? It is the sun, moon, and stars like the Mom, dad, neighbors, Grandma, and grandpa. Are laws particles in the wind? Are we alone? Can we continue as we are? Is laughter a relief? Can we communicate with anything? Does a tree talk to a bird? Can the night change today? Do we go round and round? Can we sleep and become awake once again? Is Death it? Is everything OK? Is god real? Is he the energy of sunlight? Can god be measured? Can he be awakened? Are we a wheel in a wheel in a spin in a spin? Are we part of something bigger while being smaller? Are we the ocean and the land? Can one become a planet and all there is inside? Is there more life in the human body than on the earth? Can you become a god? Are you a mini-god? Are you a god to your dog? Does life make sense? Are cents in money added up to dollars? Is our sense our value? Do dogs wage their tails as you smile? Why be good? Why be bad? Why hurt any other in any way? Is life small too big? Is the galaxy alive/ Is it a giant organism? Is the universe with galaxies as a town busy with people and other living things? Is there order in the placement of things? Why walk on water if you are water? If a seed and dirt can create a tree, then what is the sun? Is it the environment? Can it grow without the sun? Is its quality more important than its location? Is use more lasting than its design of uses? Why do you walk before you run? Why is there up when it ultimately is down? Are opposites the same thing on a bigger scale? Is math science or science math? Is music noise, or is it an organized sound? Can a male become a female? A female, a male? Could Adom be Eve? Could Eve be Adom? Are the snake's knowledge and his knowledge evil? Do we fear Death, or is it pain we are avoiding? Does everything make sense until it does not? There are eight wheels we know about so far. There is You, me, them, and everyone else. There is all life: minerals to planets, light, good color, etc. All thought and the possibility of thinking thoughts and mind and mine of things. There is a higher power of belief or gods. Like an Atom, it becomes a cell, an organ, and a body of life within a family, a group and race, a population, a way of life within the confines of an environment on a planet in the solar system, a galaxy, a universe in a universe of universes and forever from there. Is an atom a planet? Or is it a seed? A sperm cell? a Sun system, or a life?

Monday, September 26, 2022

I walked with "God."

 I was walking beside Our father and asked my father; What about the Human Question? Today's children are the future of tomorrow's world. DNA is our past, creativity is our present, and dreams are our future landscape. The only way to address the future is through the children of the present. One must address the entire animal kingdom of the end to address the children. Starting with Education and the right to know how. If a child has a disease that is contagious to others, he is told about it. Yet we keep the good stuff away from the landscape of most children's minds. They never knew how to address their talents. It is not that they are a boy who thinks he is s girl. But a boy who thinks he is a God. Well, guess what? He probably is. The world is full of new talent and set with goodwill to push current humankind into a compelling and dramatic future. So let us pick out the details. That is all we can do for now.

The need to look at fundamental rights 2. The first split. At the time of the first operation, compelled to do what is best for the other over self. Later, to be softened to take care of the self first and then the other. He creates a condition of bottlenecking where men think they are first. The plan was for millions of men to build a world on earth. Fueled by 100,000 women. The woman was not created equal, but they did have one extra code. They outpowered the men. Maybe we should put women in charge of men once again? Could we let her use all her power? God

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Definition of Marriage; Sharp curve up ahead..

Before I got married, I had colored socks- After marriage, they all turned white. My favorite shoes disappeared. Plus, I suddenly lost 40 pounds. Well, I thought I lost 40 pounds; it turns out I got a good shit shave and a haircut and bath. Skid Marks; She cried.  Whoever heard of such a thing, anyway?