
Showing posts with the label #Trump

Discovery for a democracy. Or is the devil is in the details?

 The first election for president of the United States was possibly the first and last valid election for this office. We, the people in each area of the developing nation, picked our brightest to go off to a far land to choose from among ourselves our first crop of leaders. They would pick from among themselves those who would pick from among themselves until A proper number was picked and new offices and divisions were created. Like a plane designer decided to ditch the wings for this new thing, the rocket that became a lander and the space shuttle were then developed with the wings back on as needed. What would happen if the farm animals picked their farmer. The plants had a vote, the trees got together, and they chose a leader they decided they thought would best serve them. The chicken roosted, and cocks crowed until they, too, were able to determine their pick. It is not based on the money 3 billion spent to elect Trump, who was going to be elected anyway, being the best poss...

American Change needed as a soft landing.

    Two become one. There are two races separated by color, two sexes separated by biological purpose, two states of humanity separated by value, and two peoples separated by judgment. There are two States separated by armies of War, two states of health separated by Parma, and two beliefs separated by several Gods through the devil and Jesus. Both man and woman scratch their legs, one consciously and the other with judgment. Everything is fixed; you cannot change it but can change the world through ideas or inventions.  Changing life is not changing living. We can and must date to the future through a Unity of decision. No one can live alone for long. No one can become the light without a path to walk on. America and the world find themselves in a state of confusion, and per The oldest Religion in the world, change can become hope and hope, dreams and dreams, and reality for all to live in. The children of the world are now the target of the rich. Natural fiber of food i...

The true citizen is a born in USA baby by naturual born mom and dads. Voting should be done only by citizens.

      Not every Child gets an A+ in grade school math, and not every Child is a true American Citizen. If you are born in the USA to naturalized parents, both mom and dad, you're a true blue, dyed-in-wool American Child. Not the airport hoppers that have a plan. There is a place for them, and it's not at the top of the list as now believed because they are new voters. If not, the grade goes down a notch for each outpoint. What does that mean? Both parents were born on US soil—not a Tributary or Island afar, but the USA. Some citizens are A++ or even A+++ citizens because of the time they were born here by their ancestors. Like the Cherokee Indians, They would be A+++ or higher. ALL land Indians, not island ones, unless they are part of the land of the US, like the Florida coast and east coast or west coast islands. You would think it silly to make Montreal an island of the US.          A dollar bill is not a hundred-dollar bill. Yet, in time, it c...

Top ten reasons to vote for a winner.

              1. Race. 2. sex: two parties male female- others need not apply. 3. party of choice Democrat-Republican, liberal, green Independant 4. Looks like body makeup. Overweight, bad hair, short and round. 5. Craziness level. Altimers, dementia, drug addict, coke head.  Coke head, son. 6. Ability to converse & control hostile regimes. 7. Religion or lack of.                     8. Nationality, birth location   9. Wherewithal and personal power 10. Mate- wife or husband- running mate. Sexually safe. Not a weirdo.

A.I. can radically lengthen your lifespan, says futurist Ray Kurzweil.

  W We are beginning to use AI to discover and design drugs and interventions. By the end of the 2020s, biological simulators will be sufficiently advanced to generate essential safety and efficacy data in hours rather than the years that clinical trials typically require. The transition from human trials to simulated  in silico  trials will be governed by two forces working in opposite directions. Otto Quotes Who Has The Cheapest Car Insurance In Indiana (Check Zip Code) Ad On the one hand, there will be a legitimate safety concern: we don't want the simulations to miss relevant medical facts and erroneously declare a dangerous medication safe. On the other hand, simulated trials can use vastly more significant numbers of simulated patients and study a wide range of comorbidities and demographic factors—telling doctors in granular detail how a new treatment will likely affect many different kinds of patients. Longer and healthier. So once we identify the genes that Loade...