
Showing posts with label Yarway/Jehovah/Ahura Mazda/Enki el. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yarway/Jehovah/Ahura Mazda/Enki el. Show all posts

Monday, April 24, 2023

The basics of existence, or the tree of life.

 Public Party Of Indiana

The basics of existence, or the tree of life.
What is life? What is living? What is the cause of it all? Why do we do what we do? Why do we know? Why do we go to extremes? Why do we live to have life and want things? To do things, opposite of not doing something? To love hurt or harm each other? Why are you there? Why is there me? a Him her them those others? Other lands, Other locations, Places of wonder, Places of fright. Or Bumps in the night. Is there Death? Was this a life? Is life but a dream, a cause, a sensation, or a way of existence? Is existence life? Is a Planet an atom? Is the environment Eve? Is the wind a motion or the movement of a wave? Why do an egg and a seed make a life? Are a source and the ground like a seed and an egg? Is the location the environment of a family? Are an origin and an egg placed in a family like the location of a tree? It is the sun, moon, and stars like the Mom, dad, neighbors, Grandma, and grandpa. Are laws particles in the wind? Are we alone? Can we continue as we are? Is laughter a relief? Can we communicate with anything? Does a tree talk to a bird? Can the night change today? Do we go round and round? Can we sleep and become awake once again? Is Death it? Is everything ok? Is god real? Is he the energy of sunlight? Can god be measured? Can he be awakened? Are we a wheel in a wheel in a spin in a spin? Are we part of something bigger while being smaller? Are we the ocean and the land? Can one become a planet and all there is inside? Is there more life in the human body than on the earth? Can you become a god? Are you a mini-god? Are you a god to your dog? Does life make sense? Are cents in money added up to dollars? Is our sense our value? Do dogs wage their tails as you smile? Why be good? Why be bad? Why hurt any other in any way? Is life small too big? Is the galaxy alive/ Is it a giant organism? Is the universe with galaxies as a town busy with people and other living things? Is there order in the placement of things? Why walk on water if you are water? What is the sun if

Seed and dirt can create a tree? Is it the environment? Can it grow without the sun? Is its quality more important than its location? Is uses more lasting than its design of uses? Why do you walk before you run? Why is there up when it ultimately is down? Are opposites the same thing on a bigger scale? Is math science or science math? Is music noise, or is it an organized sound? Can a male become a female? A female, a male? Could Adom be Eve? Could Eve be Adom? Are the snake's knowledge and his knowledge evil? Do we fear Death, or is it pain we are avoiding? Does everything make sense until it does not? There are eight wheels we know about so far. There is You, me, them, and everyone else. There is all life: minerals to planets, light, good color, etc. All thought and the possibility of thinking thoughts and mind and mine of things. There is a higher power of belief or gods. Like an Atom, it becomes a cell, an organ, and organ a body of life within a family, a group and race, a population, a way of life within the confines of an environment on a planet in the solar system, a galaxy, a universe in a universe of universes and forever from there. Is an atom a planet? Or is it a seed? A sperm cell? a Sun system, or a life?

Friday, May 1, 2020

A sad day for Old Joe Biden. MSMBC moments I could see the lies show up on his face and http// eyes. Most men have sexual horassed a lady or girl or two. Sexual assault is on an entirely different level of Lunacy and deception and loss of trust. Sexaul; assault is part and parcely of a sexual deveants MO. We have Two in the Supreme court. One in the white house already. Hundreds in the local and national politicians live with a form of Deviant behavior.

    All forms of life and work treat each other certain ways. This includes both men and women. We need to stop eating our own and admit we treat our girls as stock. We the men are treated as farm animals each other. There seems to be no answer no solution and recourse. Cheer up there is a simple personal act of humanity you can apply in three simple steps. 1. Admint it to yourself.    2. admit to others.     3. and the completion of the recourse is to give restitution way way way beyound what would seem enough. Then do it again and again until you get it right and feel it. We are all here togeter and you are not alone. Stand-up and be you.  Give and you too will receive grace by your higher self. Grace is the only sign of universal forgiveness. Not only must you become whole but must allow others to be whole. It is "I." 

Monday, July 31, 2017

The results of a life well lived.

What after all is this Life Business all about? This Human life, This Human body? This supposed Universal soul? Is it only about living? Only about a Will to survive? A Need to BE!  Is something bigger directing us as we direct our own body? Are we but a single cell, if-you-will, of some with several levels of beingness above us. As well as below. Can the fear of going lower in existence be possible as Budda advised(a bug). Can you go Straight to Hell as Catholics say is really possible? As the Possibilities increase so do the advantages and risk. If you want to be one of The only ones to known then Be here Sept 15 @ the cross roads of Hell, Indianapolis to meet God Yourself. All world religions must have a rep to welcome him. Those that do not will be deleted from the future. No except. It Is "I AM."