Showing posts from 2020
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: America Before. After Reformed America 2.0
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Lake of life.: Public Party; First Definition;: 60 Minutes BOMBSH...
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Lake of life.: Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: America Before. Aft...
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60 Minutes BOMBSHELL interview Jenna Miscavige speaks out
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Abolish Colorado income tax, add firing squads, conquer part of Mexico
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Enough States For A 2020 Presidential Voter Statement
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Unity US Presidential Nominee Hammons on 46th Birthday
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Unity Party of America Launches Sweeping "Yoosh" Logo
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Unity2020 Should Join 42-State Unity Party of America
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BREAKING- WHO Strikes: Herd Immunity to Equate to Bio-Terrorism!
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Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: America Before. After Reformed America 2.0
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America Before. After Reformed America 2.0
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America Before. After Reformed America 2.0 Posted on December 6, 2020 by donnie When my kin arrived on the banks of this great expanse of land In 1620ish from Ireland Occupied by a group of people unknown to common or educated European mankind. We were told that they were a lower form of a human. One that did not feel pain or understand our way of life. (They did not even know how to lie.) They were a lesser breed of men. One to be made into an enslaved people. To their surprise, the elders of the Indians had a different Idea. Therefore the Irish would be the slaves until The African man perfect for the job was selected as passionately as the hopes of a feverish European desperate to enrich himself hoped for after two failed people. The Indian because of his compassion decency and knowledge of the Lands Nature included had failed. The Irish were too self-determined to persist in being flogged and assaulted Raped and mistreated rebelled....
The future is not the past but changed by the present.
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There is a lot that could be said, add, or overruled. I have a few ideas on the amendment that said no restriction on churches. Now there like flies on a pile of cow shit. They’re everywhere and willing to move to a new pile at any moment of need. Therefore I say Tax all church property as normal business. Not the plate dropping cash. Make sure that they follow all laws of the state country and the country they are in. Paying in workman’s comp and social security. The church is the old science of the past 10,000 years and is mostly obsolete. They represent the placebo of general science and its different fields. I understand Jesus put dirt on the guy’s eyes, and he could see again. I know an eye doctor that can cure the blind on a daily routine. Churches like Scientology force abortions and have their owned Gun carrying prison system. This is enough. Time for a redo on Religion and put it on the shelves of history. The next 24600-year cycle will be way more focused and exciting. ...
Jordan Peterson: The fatal flaw in leftist American politics | Big Think
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Chris Hedges on Fascism, Civil Unrest, And The Police State
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Two burglars storm Florida home and open fire - only for mother to grab ...
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"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: How Did The NSA Become Big Brother?
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"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: VETS HELPING VETS .INFO
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"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You.
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Lake of life.: This universe is of female design,the fact is the ...
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What a sex worker can teach us about human connection | Nicole Emma | TE...
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Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses
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Facial Recognition: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
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Edited Re-upload: Riots & Lockdown - 4th Generation Warfare
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Definition of Marriage; Sharp curve up ahead..
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Before I got married, I had colored socks- After marriage, they all turned white. My favorite shoes disappeared. Plus, I suddenly lost 40 pounds. Well, I thought I lost 40 pounds; it turns out I got a good shit shave and a haircut and bath. Skid Marks; She cried. Whoever heard of such a thing, anyway?
How To Prepare For The New Depression - Robert Kiyosaki and Richard Duncan
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What Kim Jong Un lied about / North Korea / How People Live / The People
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Chris Hedges on Noam Chomsky Favouring Biden Over Trump
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Green Party’s Howie Hawkins Talks 2020, Jesse Ventura, Twitter Suspensio...
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the value of offence | qualiasoup & theramintrees [cc]
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The Collapse of the American Empire - Lecture Featuring Chris Hedges
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Highest Paid Mafia Boss Tells the TRUTH About the Life
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Chris Hedges on Biden vs. Trump, Bernie Sanders, Corporate Media, Assang...
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Chris Hedges on Biden vs. Trump, Bernie Sanders, Corporate Media, Assang...
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Trayvon Martin's legacy and Black Lives Matter - BBC News
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Joe Rogan Experience #725 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson
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Shelter in Place with Shane Smith & Edward Snowden (Full Episode)
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A sad day for Old Joe Biden. MSMBC
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- Other Apps Within moments I could see the lies show up on his face and http// eyes. Most men have sexual horassed a lady or girl or two. Sexual assault is on an entirely different level of Lunacy and deception and loss of trust. Sexaul; assault is part and parcely of a sexual deveants MO. We have Two in the Supreme court. One in the white house already. Hundreds in the local and national politicians live with a form of Deviant behavior. All forms of life and work treat each other certain ways. This includes both men and women. We need to stop eating our own and admit we treat our girls as stock. We the men are treated as farm animals each other. There seems to be no answer no solution and recourse. Cheer up there is a simple personal act of humanity you can apply in three simple steps. 1. Admint it to yourself. 2. admit to others. 3. and the completion of the recourse is to give restitution...
Are They Alive...Antarctica Melting Ice Is Revealing Something No One Th...
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The Conspiracy Of Mary Magdalene (Secrets of the Cross Documentary) | Ti...
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Farrakhan on Scientology
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He seems to be the saint he believes he is. Every well-done piece of our history. As rattling as it is we all have suffered. But it is from a much higher calling. Thank you, brother. It reminds me of something my brother said to me about 12600 years ago: Somehow all life knows something is wrong. Wrong why.
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Admiral McRaven Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS | One of the Best Motivat...
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"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You.
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Public Party; First Definition;: Public Party; First Definition;: HELLO WORLD- IT I...
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