A sad day for Old Joe Biden. MSMBC

https://youtu.be/3OTFnjj2m2UWithin moments I could see the lies show up on his face and http//:www.publicpartyofIndiana.us eyes. Most men have sexual horassed a lady or girl or two. Sexual assault is on an entirely different level of Lunacy and deception and loss of trust. Sexaul; assault is part and parcely of a sexual deveants MO. We have Two in the Supreme court. One in the white house already. Hundreds in the local and national politicians live with a form of Deviant behavior.

    All forms of life and work treat each other certain ways. This includes both men and women. We need to stop eating our own and admit we treat our girls as stock. We the men are treated as farm animals each other. There seems to be no answer no solution and recourse. Cheer up there is a simple personal act of humanity you can apply in three simple steps. 1. Admint it to yourself.    2. admit to others.     3. and the completion of the recourse is to give restitution way way way beyound what would seem enough. Then do it again and again until you get it right and feel it. We are all here togeter and you are not alone. Stand-up and be you.  Give and you too will receive grace by your higher self. Grace is the only sign of universal forgiveness. Not only must you become whole but must allow others to be whole. It is "I." 


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