America Before. After Reformed America 2.0


America Before. After Reformed America 2.0      Posted on December 6, 2020 by  donnie

When my kin arrived on the banks of this great expanse of land In 1620ish from Ireland Occupied by a group of people unknown to common or educated European mankind. We were told that they were a lower form of a human. One that did not feel pain or understand our way of life. (They did not even know how to lie.) They were a lesser breed of men. One to be made into an enslaved people. To their surprise, the elders of the Indians had a different Idea. Therefore the Irish would be the slaves until The African man perfect for the job was selected as passionately as the hopes of a feverish European desperate to enrich himself hoped for after two failed people. The Indian because of his compassion decency and knowledge of the Lands Nature included had failed. The Irish were too self-determined to persist in being flogged and assaulted Raped and mistreated rebelled. The African was a different story because of the natural native beliefs in a higher power. Were then there for bullied into 200 years of unequaled, unrepeatable hate crimes in human history. There was an overlapping crime? They Believed that the white man may be their savior. They as well did not know how to tell or understand what a lie was. What was the loss, the cost, the pain to these people and their families is as great if not greater than those lost to the holocaust in 1933-1945. Not in the numbers that would die(6,000,000). Nut threw the year after year season after season day after day minute by minute Treatment of Unstoppable Hate and physical pain for two hundred years. There sisters children brothers and dads the old and the young like an animal lower than the cattle in the barns and fields. Yet after 150years from freedom in 1865 and a war between the states, nothing has yet been done. After our Mistreatment of the Black savior- Martin Luther King was setup and Murdered in public. A new war needed to be used against the Black man who deserved a fair shake but instead, we created a drug war targeting them with the help of our own CIA and Soon after DEA. Destroying and once again putting billions into making the sleeping white man believe that The Black man was a lower life human trying to destroy himself and Our own white sons. So we did the only thing we could we sent them to war in Vietnam. Put their sons in the point positions and Once again explored them. Then rigged a VA rating system to ignore their needs promised to all soldiers By Abraham Lincoln to make them whole as a man and a family member. Why God does not know. Therefore I have decided that there will be all people on deck for them IN the next 50 years of Non-Stop restitution by way of Land grants the best possible education parol from petty crimes and raining for those in need to a well-paying job. I give our nation five years to layout this foundation to start in 2025-2075. The years of peace. Each and every single African American person regardless of age or current condition- even felons will receive a land package of 25 acres and money for a house or a business to be built for their family and future. repaid of business or home loan will go back into a self-run self-directed Black Banking system Outside of the Current banking Cartel. The land will be From anywhere where we have current BLM Lands. This land will be deeded free and clear through the Control of a consolidated Indian system to be sure no secret of purposed lands will infringe on Our Native Americans. The restitution for the Native Americans will be complete control of All Federal National parks and such. The great and grandest guardians of nature in 5000 known years. We trust you. An grant this for 500 years. A group of 25 18-year-old American Indian girls from all tribes possible will be the caretakers of this plan. And the 25 BLM land grants. A possible land trades of BLM to the Indians is also a Good Idea. Consolidating them Into their own Nation within our nation. These things and others will all pay for themselves. It Is “I”


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