The future is not the past but changed by the present.


There is a lot that could be said, add, or overruled. I have a few ideas on the amendment that said no restriction on churches. Now there like flies on a pile of cow shit. They’re everywhere and willing to move to a new pile at any moment of need. Therefore I say Tax all church property as normal business. Not the plate dropping cash. Make sure that they follow all laws of the state country and the country they are in. Paying in workman’s comp and social security. The church is the old science of the past 10,000 years and is mostly obsolete. They represent the placebo of general science and its different fields. I understand Jesus put dirt on the guy’s eyes, and he could see again. I know an eye doctor that can cure the blind on a daily routine. Churches like Scientology force abortions and have their owned Gun carrying prison system. This is enough. Time for a redo on Religion and put it on the shelves of history. The next 24600-year cycle will be way more focused and exciting. Left without a watchful eye, religion will throw us back down the well whole of past existence. Aquarius is upon the rise. In less than 20 days, it will begin to change. Lots of wind and thunder. Lots of possibilities for massive new know-how. Understanding women are not equal will be hard for most men; because they are the Power source of Mankind. Without a mother’s love, no man is completed. One must see that this world is as if it is a large human. Each organ is a different race. All get treated equally by the body except when then is an imbalance. Thank God for the Black Man, for they are the strong unsung men. These women are princes of the old way. If we could learn to all get-together, we would light up and take the reins of our collective future. We must accept as a part of a whole. Although my toe is not as important as my eyeball, it is the toe that can stop me from falling off the edge of existence. It Is “I” Donnie Harold Harris


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