Moderna, BioNTech, and Pfizer: The Vaccine Virtuosos:

 Ah, the intricate dance of pharmaceutical companies and their tax maneuvers—it’s like a tango performed on a tightrope! Let’s step onto the floor and explore who’s been leading this tax cha-cha during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. Moderna, BioNTech, and Pfizer: The Vaccine Virtuosos:

    • These three companies—ModernaBioNTech, and Pfizer—have been twirling in the spotlight due to their mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. 🌟
    • Moderna and BioNTech have been reaping astronomical profits, with profit margins soaring up to 69%. Meanwhile, Pfizer is also doing quite well. 💰
    • But here’s the twist: While they’re raking in the dough, they’ve managed to pay little in taxes. 🕺
  2. The Tax Tango Explained:

    • You see, these companies make most of their sales right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. 🇺🇸
    • Thanks to our unique healthcare system and the higher prices Americans pay for drugs, their revenue streams flow generously from American pockets.
    • Yet, when it comes to taxes, they’ve got some fancy footwork going on:
      • Intellectual Property Shuffle: They license their intellectual property (those vaccine secrets!) to offshore subsidiaries. 🌐
      • Ingredient Magic: The high-value-added active ingredients? Produced in factories in places like Ireland or Singapore. 🧪
      • Profit Pretense: They pretend the profit accrues to these offshore subsidiaries, even though the sales are back in the United States. 🤫
  3. Legal, but a Tax Tango Nonetheless:

    • Yes, it’s all legal—tax law is like a labyrinth with secret passages. 🗝️
    • There are other nuances, too—acquisitions, debt, litigation—but the bottom line is this: Investors and companies want to waltz away with a good deal on their taxes. 💃
  4. The Numbers, Please:

    • In recent years, the biggest pharmaceutical companies (including our vaccine stars) had an effective tax rate ranging from around 8% to 14%. That’s way lower than the nominal corporate tax rate of 21% that came into play during the Trump administration. 📊

So, my friend, while they’ve been saving lives with vaccines, they’ve also been doing some fancy tax footwork. It’s like watching a ballet where the prima ballerina wears a calculator as a tiara! 🩰

And hey, if you want to dive deeper into this tax pas de deux, feel free to explore the sourceIt’s like peeking behind the curtain during intermission! 🎭1234.

Now, what other mysteries shall we unravel together? A twist on climate change or a foxtrot through historical events? 


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