Eli Lilly From a Perisite to faith healer to illionist and beyound. The toe nail is equal to the value of the brain.

  I have met thousands of Eli Lilly employees in The back alleys and streets of Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. I meet them in their homes with their wives and children. Many were proud to be associated with that name and company. As the years rolled on, about 50 years over time and 30 plus thousand in-home interviews, I saw a shift in their happiness. Maybe it was my shift, but it was a shift anyway. Lilly never discovered a thing But Like his counter Part in the mind control business L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology saw that persistence is the key to mind control. We believe in a product, so we get relief. This is known behind the walls of Kentkucy Ave as the Placebo effect. Been used throughout history as an early bird version of science. Now called Religion. If you say it with authority, those in lower mental states will line up and make a claim for you. It is a simple process yet powerful beyond belief. Tell them the clouds talk, and someone will instantly hear a whisper. 

Look at Religions fore an example. All fiction, with some facts but a lot of placebo. If one rolled it out onto a single table, one would see the patterns and how they fit together. I grew up down the street from the Monkey Brian's medicine part of the Eli Lilly factory. They cooked these monkeys to prove that they could. Nothing was ever found out about the use of the smell or the mush of the process unless HIV was discovered at that time. To be unleashed on mankind later Under the ruse of Faget mentality. Now, they want everyone to try the new monkey stew for body weight loss, which they promote as unhealthy.

Smelt the whole neighborhood with toxic smells and created lifelong hate for bad smells. Can you imagine being forced to hear hip-hop music as loud as possible for years and years, night and day? In veit nam, we used music over loudspeakers as a torcher technique. Did we do it as torture to the Viet Cong or the American troops, like Prelude to Tinnidious, affecting every soldier there? In America it is excepted as healthcare. You get the trauma we suffered. No relief, apology, or remorse, but billions for Lilly's family as income. The levels of life are simple: There is You, There is your mom and dad and brothers and sister, Biology.

Then there is everyone else. Also, biology with particular surroundings. Corporations and money, their reason for existence, are the root of all evil. Not The sun or moon or stars in heaven. Now, they are pushing a new level of medicine on us called collectivism. We must accept the unnatural nations as equal to born here citizens. After all, Lilly has and the are GOD. Bring out the straight jackets and hold onto your kids. They might get their dick cut off or their tits removed before their ten, never getting to use them. So they have no reference experience to draw on later when their minds become whole. Bet they have a drug for that as well? Of course, I think they can call it a make-yourself-whole-again drug for a fee of course. We, the people, must take back medicine from the medicine man and his not-know-how personality.


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