Elvis has left the building.

  Independent Candidate for President of the United States 2024

Of course, this is fiction. Big Oil has brought us many significant things. Can you imagine a muscle car with an electric go-cart engine? A Rocketship without a

Rocket or a heater without the heat? And you thought cows Fart.? It is the science that farts, but that is how butt wipe was invented. The farmers pretty much extinct knew this all alone. Yet fake news, like a thief in the night, might do more than planned. Humanity has made many advancements, but we still like to put others down for their steps. There are always ways and ways to do anything different. Yet they all have the same essential ingredient. A Human being is a human for humanity. Right and wrong are the same coin with another side. What if there was no Henery Ford Henry Ford
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Henry_Ford
Henry Ford from en.wikipedia.org
As the founder of the Ford Motor Company, he is credited as a pioneer in making automobiles affordable for middle-class Americans through the system that came to ...or
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th U.S. President
or Elvis to be an Elvis?
A Little Less Conversation. Did they show us the way for a trip to Disney land? Or help bring Disneyland to the world? They may have gotten a few things wrong, but primarily suitable, they have brought humanity along. If you do not like the taste of Wheaties, try Oatmeal. But don't outlaw Milk. If you have no better solution than your mouth, then why talk? Peace for the peacemakers, Pie for the Pie makers, and Understanding for the Understandables. "Sharing is caring." Sickness is not a crime. Doing harm for profit is humanity's greatest evil. Rule number one. If it stinks, don't eat it or repeat it. Never give it to "Mikey". He may like it, even when he does not know. If It is true for you, then it is true for you. But faithful to everyone else is a different matter. Praise Jesus and Allah as well. One Navy captain said to the other Navy Captian My ship holds out water. As if he had a pattern in the life of the waves. Both ships hold out the water, and both can go different ways. Both can have different meanings and save each other when the weather is not sound. Just hot air moving around. Peace be with me so I can be peaceful with you, my friend in humanities exploration. 

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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