
Showing posts from 2022

On the subject of men and women...

Public Party; First Definition;: In The Year 2025 if woman still survive...

Public Party; First Definition;: In The Year 2025 if woman still survive... :   What are the possibilities that Trans People will push all our little girls into a new state of existence Unknown, Imagined, or dreamt of ...

In The Year 2025 if woman still survive...

  What are the possibilities that Trans People will push all our little girls into a new state of existence Unknown, Imagined, or dreamt of at any time in the last 10200 years of the entire world's history? Like the current direction of the Insane Democratic Party and their push for Nuclear War over Ukraine- or the end of humankind as known threw out world history- we must draw the lines of our strategy as a God Fearing people and worshippers of Individual Rights, Truths, and Independence. First, there were racial opposites in Marriages. Then Gay rights that lead to a Sunomie of unpredictable change. One at a time. After ruining tens of thousands of lives with the misunderstood use of child porn laws and what it means to who, we allow men to groom our next TOTAL generation of children with explicit public sex shows in public places. Grown men act as if each one of them has not been subject to Attacks as children by Mothers everywhere. It is a miss direct of high consequences. The T...

Interview Expert Reacts To Tom Cruise MELTDOWN On 60 Minutes




Great granddad


Once there is that that never was.

 What is truth? What are lies? What is up? What is down? Is left really right? Is right a simpler version of the left. Is cause mighty? Is left lost with one shoe on? Is right a side track of theweggie board? Can one walk? Can one run? Hit the road and see if you walk or run. Do you go toward the Son? A way to the moon. Beyound the clouds and away from the Boom.

In the beginning here was

 The basic building blocks of life (BBB Of L) are position, location, direction, and drive. The area seems to be the easy one. Until later when one sees the stars. The moon and the milky way. Position could mean body. Position in a family or higher race or group. Male female only child or one in many. All things are born in the hopes of the family who want more and better for each of you. Race and religion lifestyle and course of action. Most are positions of many. Lots of cells make up a liver or fingernail. When the finger grows in the womb, they are not disregarded during growth. They are a lifetime friend to the whole body. They can carry food, pick up an afraid child, or scratch a lover's back. They simply become part of the entire body. No other body part can question this. This happens because of a drive from a knowing source; DNA. The eyes do not ask permission to see. The nose asks not for a head nod to smell or the finger to feel. He hits resistance to change from Mom and...

Are you happy Yet?: Tom Cruise, John Travolta & L. Ron Hubbard: Ex Sci...

Are you happy Yet?: Tom Cruise, John Travolta & L. Ron Hubbard: Ex Sci...

Top 10 Scientific Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True


I walked with "God."

 I was walking beside Our father and asked my father; What about the Human Question? Today's children are the future of tomorrow's world. DNA is our past, creativity is our present, and dreams are our future landscape. The only way to address the future is through the children of the present. One must address the entire animal kingdom of the end to address the children. Starting with Education and the right to know how. If a child has a disease that is contagious to others, he is told about it. Yet we keep the good stuff away from the landscape of most children's minds. They never knew how to address their talents. It is not that they are a boy who thinks he is s girl. But a boy who thinks he is a God. Well, guess what? He probably is. The world is full of new talent and set with goodwill to push current humankind into a compelling and dramatic future. So let us pick out the details. That is all we can do for now. The need to look at fundamental rights 2. The first split. A...

Nothing gets threw to "GOD" except what is Gods.

 I thought I would hang around in the spirit world, hoping to get a chat with God. With the recent departure of The Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth,  and the announcement that There now was a new   King, King Charles III, The All might be on call for the weekend. Then it happened. I spotted an old friend, a whole Angle, a keeper of the keep. I explained to Ali that I was sure Dad would be around for the changeover of power. Your Dad, "GOD," is busy. Maybe you have not heard that the last good bush was dying. He "GOD" had to make a house call. House call? Will God save the Plant, or will God save the Animal? The planet is heating up, and the world is in peril, and he makes a house call to a dying last mmol plant? I followed him straight to Dad to see if his My God was OK. There he was, down on his knee, begging this twice to hang on. I could not understand, so I shouted out to God. You make a house call as a million cry for you? Is this Plant worth a house call? Ar...

Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: The future of humankind.

Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: The future of humankind. :  The Future of Humankind is free from a fear of God. No longer in fear of a God, one that loves me while destroying where I came from. The f...

Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Keeping .God alive

Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Keeping .God alive :   God, everything else, is coming to defend Themselves. Like a storm within a storm, it is building like a form of global warming. God is ev...


Good News For LA's Homelessness Problem - On The Edge CLIPS


"Over the Rainbow" | Scientology Documentary (2020)


What can the latest research on twins tell us about humanity? Part One.


DNA Surprises | Full Episode | SBS Insight


Why is science failing as Religion failed?

  Why is science failing as Religion failed? Published on March 2, 2022 Edit article View stats Status is online donnie harold harris Candidate for U.S. Senate Indiana 2022 Unity Party of Indiana 130 articles Only you can see this article. It’s been removed because it goes against our Professional Community Policies.  Learn more Our bodies are made out of water and chemicals. What happens is we Have too little or too much of either water or chemicals (medicine)? Our illness overtakes us, or we OD. We dehydrate or drown. According to the medico's, there are more things wrong with our bodies than are right. According to the Nut doctors, we have more lifetime mental illnesses than sanity markers. I am not sure who Nuts is, the patient, or the doctor. Do you know? Overeat, and you get fat. Overeat a lot or eat the wrong food for your body type and you become diseased and die. Yet there is no Cure for obesity. Why? No cure for loneliness. Why? No solution for clean water is simplif...

Understanding the Lost Cause Myth


Finding aliens: Is there a ‘theory of everything’ for life? | Sara Walke...


Public Party; First Definition;: Indiana Gubernatorial Election 2012, Candidate Lis...

Public Party; First Definition;: Indiana Gubernatorial Election 2012, Candidate Lis... : Indiana Gubernatorial Election 2012, Candidate List, Indiana Governor Elections 2012.  Donnie Harold Harris



Froebel’s Kindergarten: The Origins of Early Childhood Education


Nietzsche: Master and Slaves


A new battle is about to begin.

  Donnie Harold Harris   is affiliated with the Public Party of Indiana and was a write-in candidate for   Governor of Indiana   in the   2012 elections . His running mate was   George Fish . [1] Biography Email  to notify us of updates to this biography. Harris, born on August 1, 1953 [2] , attended 21 different grade schools in Indianapolis and lived in the former Children's Guardian Home on the east side of Indianapolis on several occasions. He graduated from Emmerich Manual High School, served in the U.S. Army as an infantryman and has attended several other universities and schools studying everything from law and philosophy to communications and scientology. He currently runs a 45-year-old remodeling company. [3] Elections 2012 See also:  Indiana gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2012 Harris was a write-in candidate for  Governor of Indiana  and ran with  George Fish  in the...