In The Year 2025 if woman still survive...

  What are the possibilities that Trans People will push all our little girls into a new state of existence Unknown, Imagined, or dreamt of at any time in the last 10200 years of the entire world's history? Like the current direction of the Insane Democratic Party and their push for Nuclear War over Ukraine- or the end of humankind as known threw out world history- we must draw the lines of our strategy as a God Fearing people and worshippers of Individual Rights, Truths, and Independence. First, there were racial opposites in Marriages. Then Gay rights that lead to a Sunomie of unpredictable change. One at a time. After ruining tens of thousands of lives with the misunderstood use of child porn laws and what it means to who, we allow men to groom our next TOTAL generation of children with explicit public sex shows in public places. Grown men act as if each one of them has not been subject to Attacks as children by Mothers everywhere. It is a miss direct of high consequences. The Trans Knowns they are sick. What is sick? "Not a normal state of knowable existence." If this condition continues, we will not need to be worried about Russia or North Korea. If fact, we may beg them for our end. We must reline ourselves or the Unknown world. God will do it for us. Unite with Unity. The root cause of this mess is The Catholic Church and its grooming programs for Sexually insane men in their academics. Come forward, all Christians, and let us take our country back Before We, As the Indian Nations, Known.

The Devil will prevail if left unchanged. Soon the word @Mother will not exist. At nine, in 1953, I was raped by two Catholic Priests on the Saturday before Easter Sunday. I was nine years old. As a Christian Prodigy, I lost my way until now. At 13, I was sex trafficked for years by Local and visiting Catholic Priests. About 25 in total. I later would be Molested By Dick Lugar, later a U.S.Senator. I turned down sex twice with Rock Hudson in 1969. As you can guess, I spent my life wrapped in terror and confusion and deep, deep fear that someday I, too, would assault the innocent children of God, Children, God's gift to the future of humankind. Mothers, God's gift to humanity. Now we repay this blessing by wanting to destroy all women/mothers. Not On My watch. I now need your help. Our domestic threat is twice the Magna tude of our world threat. Therefore, I humbly Announce I will run for the Office of the Presence of the United States in 2024 as an Independent candidate. Donnie Harold Harris


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