Why is science failing as Religion failed?


Why is science failing as Religion failed?

Candidate for U.S. Senate Indiana 2022 Unity Party of Indiana

Our bodies are made out of water and chemicals. What happens is we Have too little or too much of either water or chemicals (medicine)? Our illness overtakes us, or we OD. We dehydrate or drown. According to the medico's, there are more things wrong with our bodies than are right. According to the Nut doctors, we have more lifetime mental illnesses than sanity markers. I am not sure who Nuts is, the patient, or the doctor.

Do you know? Overeat, and you get fat. Overeat a lot or eat the wrong food for your body type and you become diseased and die. Yet there is no Cure for obesity. Why? No cure for loneliness. Why? No solution for clean water is simplified. Why? No treatment for the replacement of fossil fuels. Why? No war on hunger. Why? We have been led down the COVID path of control and lost utilization for two years. Why? We plan on spending trillions updating the arms race. Why? Do we plan on destroying the world if others want to play their own game? Maybe take their ball home? Why? Have we eliminated two generations of life through our assistance of a drug war? Why? We will not even allow research on drugs. Why? Yet we will enable a virus engineered by a few in Wuhan that could have destroyed many billions on our money and our watch. Why? We still do not cure a common cold, cancer, or homelessness. Why? We spend trillions on weaponry developed by the few that can destroy the many and sell to the highest bidder, yet have dirty water for 40 years at a military base—poisoning our warriors' children and wives. Why? We destroy the heart and head of any person touched in any way by the Criminal Justice system. We torcher them and house them worse than the pigs in the pins across America. Why. We are evil. We live by hate. No one wants to drown. Should we then fill up every lake and pond we find? Why? We allow forced abortions on a young woman in America in the church groups that have not responded to social norms or decency. We rape the little boys and little girls by the millions—year after year. Because the church is on the hollow ground, it is special?. Why? The use and abuse at will all that come into their fly traps.

No one gives a dam. Why? Humankind is set to be destroyed by the few. Only a couple of thriving placed souls can change this. As a whole, humankind is jumping over the cliff. One after the other. Why? Is there a larger plan? Are we alone in our sorrow? In a self-created concoction of Laws and rules, Rights and procedures, by the millions? Why? Shall Earth become the new Hell? Un-hidden out in the open at the loss of all man? Why? Our country is being led by a mental case of an undisclosed kind. Why? Can So others steal the power of this office? Why? Where are we taught to? Why there? We have very little time to save the larger body of selves all humankind. We need massive change. We need it now. Why? We that we think we are are hidden from whom we could become. A single individual causes everything. Mankindkind has become a thinking locus. We, humankind, are allowing some to destroy all he craves. Why? We eat ourselves to death when the belly is in control, not the mind. Why?


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