I walked with "God."

 I was walking beside Our father and asked my father; What about the Human Question? Today's children are the future of tomorrow's world. DNA is our past, creativity is our present, and dreams are our future landscape. The only way to address the future is through the children of the present. One must address the entire animal kingdom of the end to address the children. Starting with Education and the right to know how. If a child has a disease that is contagious to others, he is told about it. Yet we keep the good stuff away from the landscape of most children's minds. They never knew how to address their talents. It is not that they are a boy who thinks he is s girl. But a boy who thinks he is a God. Well, guess what? He probably is. The world is full of new talent and set with goodwill to push current humankind into a compelling and dramatic future. So let us pick out the details. That is all we can do for now.

The need to look at fundamental rights 2. The first split. At the time of the first operation, compelled to do what is best for the other over self. Later, to be softened to take care of the self first and then the other. He creates a condition of bottlenecking where men think they are first. The plan was for millions of men to build a world on earth. Fueled by 100,000 women. The woman was not created equal, but they did have one extra code. They outpowered the men. Maybe we should put women in charge of men once again? Could we let her use all her power? God


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