Unity Party: Forging a Path to Unified Humanity and Cosmic Preservation

 The content delves into various complex topics, but it lacks clarity and coherence. To improve it, consider organizing the ideas into distinct sections, each focusing on a specific theme. Use clear and concise language to ensure the message is easily understood. Additionally, cite reliable sources to support the scientific and historical assertions made in the post. Lastly, consider refining the grammar and structure for improved readability. The content covers a wide range of topics, from prehistory to the ethical conduct of humanity. However, there are some issues with grammar and coherence which make the ideas difficult to follow. Here are some actions to improve it:

1. Clarify the main message or theme of the content to make it easier for readers to follow.

2. Review and correct grammatical errors and sentence structure to enhance readability.

3. Consider breaking the content into smaller, more focused sections to improve clarity and organization.The taking apart of what is known to the levels below that to what is not known. The making bigger and maby add some of this or that. We do not know the science behind lots of our prehistory. Some rock is so hard and heavy we still cannot meet the needs of science to understand how and what made or moved them. When it comes to teh science of people we are lost in the confusion of religion and lack of tools and weights and means. The science behind the stars is so vast and long we only can speculate it. Yet we have pepper for our fish and salt for or pork. We allow hate so bad history is filled with the smartest people telling us why we should never cross that road again yet we do. Jewish destruction of Palistine is to go down in the historty book as the great gamble of modern humanity in it quest to reset the world. Never has there beeen a single story in history all of it that we agreed that killing others child the right thing to do. Never! As Jimmy Hendrex said; there must be some kindia way out of here. Death seems to be that boat. Yet without the working togther of a single organizism to draw lines put up barriers and fortifiy its lines of self defense can the colon stay out of the kidney and the heart stay out of the mind. Is DNA a ethical devide. orgastrated by a billion years of use. What is cancer but the effects of lack of collilition. What happens if you take Ethical conduct out of a mind out of a Religion out of the spine of humanity? Cancer is the break down of ethics of structure. What is etics but the survivial of co-existence. The stars are ethical yet the cosmos is filled with randiom coments that can hit destroy damage or wipe out all life on our dirt ball. Is that not cancer? What will the future hold for mankind? unless we can agree to agree that some thing must be a no- no. We will always walk with a limp and a fear of each other. Only threw total Unity no hidden parts all open for veiw by anyone can mankind move threw the time flows of the past present and future. Unified humanity must be our next endeveir and Religious goal of humanity. The toe has a part and place in the body and care not that the finger also is getting its needed air and blood and nutrishion. If the finger wilts away does not the toe soon will follow along with the whole body tailing behind? Unity party is the Party of Humanity The childrens Party the Party of the future of Humanity. Not separarted by anything except itself. The toe can not demand the finger become ass toe as well. We would be back to swinging in the trees grabbing at the fruit of other creations until they change to change us. This is a group project, a place and not a me me me but not you place. No banna can demand a apple becomes a pear or a grissly bear. We must put away hate for a higher self a higher place to arrive at. A home for all.                                         The taking apart of what is known to the levels below that to what is not known. The making bigger and maby add some of this or that. We do not know the science behind lots of our prehistory. Some rock is so hard and heavy. We still cannot meet the needs of science to understand how and what made or moved them. When it comes to tech and the science of people we are lost in the confusion of religion. Lack of tools of weights and means to devide it. The science behind the stars is so vast and long we only can speculate it. Yet we have pepper for our fish and salt for or pork. We allow hate so bad. History is filled with the smartest people telling us why we should never cross that road again. Yet we do. The destruction of Palestine by Jewish people will be recorded in history books. It will be remembered as the great gamble of modern humanity in its quest to reset the world. Never has there been a single story in history. None of us agreed that killing another's child was ever the right thing to do. Never! As Jimmy Hendrex said; there must be some kindia way out of here. Death seems to be that boat. Without a single organism drawing lines, putting up barriers. Fortifying its lines of self-defense is crucial. The colon cannot stay out of the kidney. Similarly, the heart cannot stay out of the mind. Is DNA a ethical devide. orgastrated by a billion years of use. What happens if you take Ethical conduct out of a mind? What happens if you take it out of a Religion? What happens if you take it out of the spine of humanity? Cancer is the break down of ethics of structure. What is etics but the survivial of co-existence. The stars are ethical yet the cosmos is filled with randiom comets. They can hit destroy damage or wipe out all life on our dirt ball. Is that not cancer? What will the future hold for mankind? unless we can agree to agree that some thing must be a no- no. We will always walk with a limp and a fear of each other. Only through total unity can mankind move through the time flows of the past. There should be no hidden parts. Everything must be open for view by anyone. Unified humanity must be our next endeveir and Religious goal of humanity. The toe has a part and place in the body. It does not care that the finger also is getting its needed air, blood, and nutrition. If the finger wilts away does not the toe soon will follow along with the whole body tailing behind? Unity party is the Party of Humanity The childrens Party the Party of the future of Humanity. Not separarted by anything except itself. The toe can not demand the finger become ass toe as well. We would be back to swinging in the trees. We would grab at the fruit of other creations until they change to change us. This is a group project, a place and not a me me me but not you place. No banna can demand a apple becomes a pear or a grissly bear. We must put away hate for a higher self a higher place to arrive at. A home for all. The late great Rodney King stated as the world crumbled; “Can't we all just get along."


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