The true citizen is a born in USA baby by naturual born mom and dads. Voting should be done only by citizens.

      Not every Child gets an A+ in grade school math, and not every Child is a true American Citizen. If you are born in the USA to naturalized parents, both mom and dad, you're a true blue, dyed-in-wool American Child. Not the airport hoppers that have a plan. There is a place for them, and it's not at the top of the list as now believed because they are new voters. If not, the grade goes down a notch for each outpoint. What does that mean? Both parents were born on US soil—not a Tributary or Island afar, but the USA. Some citizens are A++ or even A+++ citizens because of the time they were born here by their ancestors. Like the Cherokee Indians, They would be A+++ or higher. ALL land Indians, not island ones, unless they are part of the land of the US, like the Florida coast and east coast or west coast islands. You would think it silly to make Montreal an island of the US.          A dollar bill is not a hundred-dollar bill. Yet, in time, it can become worth a hundred-dollar bill. Well, so can a person. Their value can go up or down. Laws are equalized, and Rules equalize laws. Think of any sport. It can drive the youth to getter and develop more extraordinary sports abilities and sportsmanship. That is what laws and rules are supposed to do. But they have been hijacked. Look what happens when a rule is broken. It spreads across the playing field and rotten it to its core; why? An example is the queer last supper at this year's Olympics. There was no talk of sports, just talk of perversion. That is what happens when accepted rules are pirated by the few to "trans"-form the most. Laws like the drug laws of Reagan and Nixon have changed this country for the worse, more so than the entire Civil War did to our earlier families of true Americans. Drug companies like Eli Lilly have now developed drugs that delay disease and do not wipe it out. New therapies are worked out to sell at cripling prices, and drugs more expensive than a bag of weed that do very little are pushed by these drug company pushers. One your family insurance plan pays for, and the other sends you straight to jail. No, going past go for you. The death and threat of death to the Continental Indians terrorized the brave their entire generations. How would you wither on the vine of such hate they put up with for 400 years. The Blacks have been equal partners after a rough beginning to strangle life out of the continental United States. It is the Indian that was massacred, not the newly arrived. Are you a 10? Probably not. The stakes are too high for ordinary folks. Are you A+++? Maybe. Should your rights and privileges be different? Well, that depends on Ethical conduct established by the group in power. Why is Ethics more critical to survival than rules and the lowest the laws of the land? Because ethical conduct is not forced on anyone but done by everyone for everyone's safety and the group's survival. One can easily see that a healthy body has a healthy mind. Ethics is the lion's King. No voting is needed. He stood up and took power. If the mind goes sour, the body starts to pay. Biden's show has been put out to pasture long ago. Cancer results from out-ethics as a society with a bit of part the person. To stop cancer, start doing research and drug development that is not for profit but for service to humanity. Like War and Hate displayed by the Israelis to the Palestinian people, It will only entrap others to War and their addiction. There is nothing wrong with hate. I hate that people's lives are ended in such a tragic way that affects the family more than the patient. Why is 40% of medicine a failure, yet the patent is not compensated for being a drug ginny pig? Yet your son or neighbor's son goes to prison for smoking a joint; does that stop the pain inside? Our form of government, the industrial complex, and all the physical and mental complexes are suspect to indecency. They are only interested in one thing: power through money. And it is not you or me. Please vote this year for your choice of who will make things right. Not for the Right or the Left, but the Right for your family and their families' rights. Stop the influx of border hoppers and those unexcepted in their home countries. We are not the world's garbage dump for people who hate their own counties rules and laws. Get rid of the government that panders to the needs of those none natural born citizens. Find their hidden motives instead. The why of their personal assault on you and your family. We do not allow snake pits and bear dens within our city limits. So why have them in our city parks? Is it not up to someone else to shoo off the child pervert, or do you have to do it? They plan on destroying your whole clan and yours. 


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