A remodeler specialist. Runs for President in 2024

  My calling from God. From the ashes arrives the "I" of tomorrow. Hello, it is I. Born from a teenage mom as her seventh child and the fourth Sun, a total of ten children by her 24th birthday, only to become the second half of a set of Identical twins. August 1, 1953, at 6:30 AM and three minutes later, at 6:33 AM, Born into the lost form of poverty, allowed us to receive the best delivery care at that time through the hallways and back rooms of the Colman Hospital for Women. A teaching hospital for doctors in baby delivery and the unexpected as we were. Months early, we were born with T to T to T to S. We both made it with a survival rate of 1% and 20%, although we were separated for six months. Causing confusion, doubt, and uncertainty for me. Molested as a baby, yet unable to roll over as yet, by a first cousin named Buddy, as he babysit us. Some Buddy, he turned out to be. I would go to 23 or so grade schools, sometimes twice.

Live in 100 homes and spent time in children and infant prisons known as the children's guardian's home on University Ave. In Indpls, In. Athe the old Butler University location. Molested the second time by a stranger at four. I told Mom to close the doors and pull the curtain cause the police were after me. I was fourish. She then called the police and reported it after I told her why. Not sure of the outcome of this. When the police arrived, my heart stopped. I did not know what jail was, but I wanted no part. After a few other forced sexual encounters, another male cousin, Ronnie, and a stranger were at the Garfield Park restroom at 11. I would be fifteen, picking up my first paycheck from the Hilton hotel off the circle, when I would be picked up by a brand new car, a Dodge with a clean-cut young black driving. I decided he would be OK. He asked If I wanted some pot he was trying to get rid of. I did not know what port was, but I said yes because of the life so far. He stopped at a motel behind a white caste on East Washington Street, about one mile from downtown. After going inside, he returned to the room door; I stayed in the car and went through his glove box to find a rental agreement. I put it in my front pocket. I felt something might go wrong. He came out and motioned for me to approach the front of the open room door. He quickly snatched me up by the neck with one hand and pulled me inside. After the Rape, he gave me the weed. I went to the phone booth and called the sheriff. There were no cell phones. No 911. I was on my own. The sheriff picked me up and took me to the city-county building for a report. I went home. A few days later, even after getting off the bus a few blocks before my stop, I was confronted again by the rapist. I could not think how could he know where I was and when. The sheriff said he was allowed to know who charged him with a crime. I was 15 and underage. I felt invincible. I had been part of the Butler University at IUPI FBI/ CIA Local police MKALTRA program, where I was given LSD25 at two different times. Close to the state fairgrounds at the motel on the south side of the street. The Doctor Professor had a safe house at about 41 & Keystone Street. he ran the program. He was a chemist's PhD. This doctor saved my life twice with the VA's particular drug called Thorazine. I thought I was untouchable.

The Blackman of about 30ish somehow knew I had reported the crime. At That time, even though I had been sexualized by many policemen as a pre-teen and teen hocker After My forced kidnapping and Rape, my main this life-time-encounter because of trust and Religion experience issues, by two Catholic Priests on Easter weekend at Sacred Heart Catholic Church on Indpls South side of Meridian street. We were nine years old. The church would have me sleep with 30 or so priests. We lived in the neighborhood many times. I had never seen the church before. A fake priest and real nun would take us to Phoenix, Arizona, in the summer of 69. After the rapist said to me he was going to carve up my family with a hunting knife, I walked away alive. I told him I would call the sheriff and cancel the complaint. This without knowing it would void out ever receive any type of restitution. I made the call to meet the sheriff and told him the latest. He then told me who the perp was. A special forces marshall arts trainer at Fort Harrison that had been sent there not to train but hide and wait until he went to court, you guessed it, for the raping of another child at his old base. I did not want my dad or mom or brothers knifed up, so he told me, advised me, to drop the complaint. I agreed. I would try getting the info in the freedom of information laws but was run off by the city worker asking for help. I was in a state of shock that there was so little concern for crime victims. Even the child kind of Victims.

I have known from childhood that the government does not care for the governed. I learned as a child that our type of government is not for the people but against the people. We are forced to be a labor swine people for them. I ran away with my twin to protect myself. We went to Hollywood Ca to become famous. Then we would be safe. After a brief final visit, a horseman visited me for the fourth time. Swing his sword yelling at me, no no no when Rock Hudson trip to get me into his car for sex in Hollywood one Saturday morning, I was there only for five weeks. I met Manson twice, Turned down sex with Rock Hudson, and Tricked with an Academy Award-winning set director. Meet the grandson of Bic Pens, say Angie Dickerson and the Playboy mansion. Bought cookies from Famous Ames himself in his cook shop on Sunset Blvd. My favorite movie star was a fagget child molester. They would try a second time when a short, muscle man walked at double time to catch up to me as Rock pulled up the second time just south of Hollowood Blvd on Mcmcadden Street. Yelling at me to get my attention, he had been trying to force me into doing child gay porn.

The horseman was saying no about this, not Rock Hudson trying to pick me up. The muscle man stopped when he recognized Rock and told him Your Rock Hudson. Like he had forgotten his name. The horseman still overhead told me only, what if you grow up to become president of the United States someday. As I looked up, Rock Got back in his car, a Mercedes, I think, and drove off. The muscle man Put me in his car. I went with him to a Stud ranch. I did. After being tried out, Hopefully, as I write, they did not make that film. I had been tricked into a movie with two lesbos watching in Indy. I asked to be driven to Hollywood. I was. I was raped as many young men laid and swam in the pool. Angles, Mother Mary, JC, the four horsemen, and Eli Lilly. AN God himself a few times, our spiritual father. By the way, I did give the car rental agreement to the sheriff. This is why I have decided to start my own political Party. The Public Party of Indiana, or the Public Party- the children's Party. There you have it. Donnie Harold Harris- 666= 18=9  born August 1, 1953= 9   6-33 am =3 9+9+3=21=3 (All 3 6 9.s.)


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