In the beginning there was Time and there was food and the struggles to get them.


Monday, December 30, 2013

I was Raped after getting my first paycheck at 15 at the new Hilton Hotel. by a Marine or Army soldier that was a unique force Nco trainer at Fort Harrison back In the #Summer of #69. I found out he had been sent there while he was awaiting trial for the rape of a minor at another Army Base.

I was also raped at 5 by a neighbor; the police were called by my mom. I went home and told my mom that the police were after me when it had been her that called. I was in the ally of our next house. We did move a lot at night. I would go to 23 grade schools and live in 100 houses. Including the Children's Guardians home 5 or 6 times in about two years total. My mother had ten children before she was 23. I got my driver's license at 15 1/2 because of my high school education class. A friend of mine, a trick, a school teacher named Dudly at Tech High School In Indianapolis, whom I met at the Ohio theater, let me use his new Mustang to take my driver's test. A stick shift. I used his car for my first license. His name should be on my file. I was a paperboy as a boy, up at 5am, out till 7 am. and then to school. I was forced, after being set up by the paper station manager and a roll of dimes, one Sat morning into being raped or going to jail; I was threatened. that morning. This Teacher I.d.ed one of the men that was part of three men that raped me at the Star and Newspaper station on East prospect street station I was 13, 1966. His name was Dick Lugar. He later became the mayor and then a U.S. U.S.tor from Indiana. I only freaked out when He would run for the Presidency of the USA. There was more to this story with the underworld of child sex trafficking and murder ( three dead on North Lassalle Street). I could not allow that. He dropped out. Dudley lived two blocks from the school, West Drive of Woodruff Place on New York Street. Another teacher at Tech High School. Dudley was a teacher there also. I think Lugar was a teacher, but he was on the school board. After the treason by white men in The paper station using me over and over again. I stood up for myself by going from a roll of dimes to a roll of quarters. The paper station manager would have two or three others to watch me perform each time. This would lead to the first child porn file I was forced into making when I was 13 or 14. It was made off South Eastern Avenue. That two priests from Sacred Heart had done uncontrollable damage to my soul. I refused to complain to God. Even though I had seen the Devil and Jesus floating over the white river by the hospitals. In my mid-twenties, as a student at I UPUI and an employee at the V.A. pV.A.A.tic hospital, I would postulate about the welfare of education. I decided Indy would receive ten billion dollars in new schools and hospital research hospitals in the 70s. They are still adding shit to this day. Soon, Indpls will be the set of the highest medical education on the planet. Making amends to The American people for all the False starts and foul play by our medical establishment and local and federal government. Now, the drug boys and insurance companies are pulling the system down for a few dollars. You can kill anyone with Final. The only reason for assisted suicide is there is a sudden stop to the money flow when someone dies. That's a no-no. By A Convicted Child rapist named Bob Shots. He rains a special type of film developing shop on east 38th street close and east of 38th street to the state fair. He had connections. I am stopping there because it's a long and detailed story. I worked at the #Hilton downtown with a sew chef friend I met at the Ohio theater, a trick. He got me the job where I worked in the beef barren restaurant on top of the Hilton. Hotel. The latter was the one who dressed as a Catholic priest and took us both to Hollywood. Not by his car but by my Corvair until it died in Tulsa, OK. Meet James Garner there. We were both James /me on the phone, standing beside each other. I heard his voice. I turned, and we made eye contact for a few seconds. He smiled and nodded to me. The hotel was open for the 1969 five-hundred-mile Race. The hotel had not opened yet. The hotel was on the north side of Meridan Street and on the Circle.The World famous Circle. The crossroads of the United States. Washing dishes-going for food down at the main kitchen downstairs. I loved this; it was my first job besides my dad's or the paper boy's route. So with all this money, I bought my first car, a 1963ish Corvair. HERE IS WHAT HAPPENED IN THE "5 WEEKS IN 69". I stepped off the bus at Prospect and State Street and walked across the street. Suddenly, without warning. There I was confronted by The special forces marine/army soldier Blackman, that had, days earlier, kidnapped and bound me, choked me, and raped me; I reported it to The Indianapolis Sheriff's Department. They gave him My Name and address to kill me. I would later find out from the policeman that was handling my rape investigation, That a rapist had a legal right to know who was charging him with a crime. Even though I was 15 at this time.This is how I found out who he was. He looked me in the eyes and said that he would KILL my Twin, my dad, and the rest of my family if I continued with this prosecution of him. I told him I would completely drop everything. I told my "Mirror Twin" what happened. So we planned our escape with a third friend who was going to San Fransico. To the Haight -Ashbury area. The chef from the Hilton Hotel said he would go to San Diego and ride and keep us safe there. So a set of "Mirror Twins" and a cook head out with me driving my Corvair. We made it almost to Tulsa before the car broke down. Some 30 or so miles out in nowhere land... I left the car and got the greyhound for Oklahoma City.The cook with the stolen cI.D.ction at the I.D.l YMCA sold to him said he was a priest and paid with a priest I.D. and credit cards. WeI.D. drove this $200.00 car toward Ca. We made it to Joplin, Mo., before we broke down. Hitchhiked part way and was picked up by a nun in a pickup truck loaded with bibles, which we road on top of. I would pass out from dehydration when stopped at a store, fell, and busted my mouth open. The good nun allowed me to ride with her in front of the truck. We did not talk. I do more damage to my front teeth. She was making a diversion to the Grand Canyon before going to Phoenix. So I saw the wondrous Grand Canyon. We had never been anywhere except K.Y. K.Y.TeK.Y.before this K.Y.ip. We had to Hustle in Phoenix, Ariz., for the final bus ticket to Hollywood, California. I refuse to go to San Deigo with this sew chef who had a picture of an I.D. II.D.DI.D.ychiatric hospital in Canada. He had a different name, which I still know. Gerold Dueglaer. Not spelled right. After watching this girl breastfeed a baby on the bus, we came over the hill to the lights of L.A. L.A., which was unbelievable. We got off the Greyhound bus at the Hollywood, CA. terminal, leaving our luggage in the hands of Gerald Dueglaer, the cook, turned out to have a hidden I.D. II.D.DI.D. fact, his I.D. case from a mental hospital in Canada or their chef...He said he would wash our clothes and give them to us when we re-meet up on the following days at 2 pm at the bus station.     On June 10/or so, 1969, The Summer of Love was about to begin. It was Friday evening at about 7 pm. When the three of us arrived at the Hollywood Greyhound station. I was given 57 cents by him. Even though he had prostituted us over several states. We split up what money the 3 of us had. I put .57 into my front pocket without a care. I was In Hollywood. Land of Dreams. I could change the nightmares; I could Dream again... I, with my twin, discovered we had run away from home at 15 years old, with an excsaped a mental person who stole all our clothes leaving my twin and me with 57 cents each in our pocket at the Greyhound Bus station in Hollywood Ca.90023.   Walking on McCadden's place one hour into the game, I watched the 2 LAPD Tackle and arrest a young man when I heard a man in a van say to me, Get in. It was Nick Villagio. A tiny man who lived on Sycamore Street above the Magic Castle off Franklin Avenue In Hollywood. was to be my first Hollywood Trick. I was saved within 2 hours. From LSD25 to pot smoking. I went with him on my first trip to #Denny's Restaurant. The stand of CookiKingdomom had a small stand and made the cookies himself. In the parking lot. Life was wonderful with a cookie at hand. Famous Amous.I would become Denny's lifetime Fan and their grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. The cookie stand. No more crackers and a side of Cottage Cheese for dinner for Me. I was 15, beat up and hurting, Yet I was a very visual Hot 15-year-old walking Hollywood Boulevard in June 1969. Nick V. lived in Hollywood Hills up above the Magic Castle. I had Hollywood Hills as my view and lived one block from where Ricky Nelson Lived and grew up. I walked past where Jimmy Hendrix lived, Jim Morison. Janis Joplin. The motel where Balusie ODed. and I tried to pick her up off the street one day. I failed. Nick worked for a Currier at night. For millionaires, like John Paul Getty Jn, for one.                             I would start working Hollywood streets like a master from 11 am to 1 am.Mostly $20.00 an ago, Indy pricing. Hollywood was great. I met my first celebrity at a gay bar one afternoon. The son or something of the Bic Pen family. It would take several days before  Lon, my Mirror Twin, arrived at the Hollywood Bus station. Every day for 5 days, I went looking for Him. I spotted him walking down Hollywood Boulevard, Heading toward the greyhound. I could not Believe my Eyes. He was strutting like a peacock. Decked out with the finest Western Wear from the world-famous Western wear store to the stars in Burbank on Lankershim Boulevard. 10-gallon hat, boots, the whole outfit. Like a Western Musical star. The outfit was Purple. Lon had met Joe, me, and Nick. Joe (a convicted murderer in the military, Owen Roach) worked as a Head Butler for very wealthy people. He specialized in Taking over a house for a few days for a special party for someone. Joe Handled everything. One customer lived next store to Bert Bacharach and Angie Dickerson, across the street from the Playboy Mansion. I did this for a total of 5 weeks before flying home; not bad for a 15-year-old who watches the moon land in a 9-inch black and white T.V.T.V.T.V.T.V.nT.V.stire window on Hollywood Boulevard. going back to Indy for high school in late August 1969. He almost ran over me one evening. He was an actor who played Cookie on a T.V. sT.V.w, T.V.lT.V.d Sunset StrT.V. I had pizza with Sergeant Carter from Gomer Pile. Meet hundreds of god squatters. Meet Charlie Manson 2 times. It turned out he was a musician, as we both were, and he was from Indiana. He said he had lived on Villa Street, which was on my paper route. I lived in that neighborhood. Once introduced to me by my twin, whom he thought had lots of girls (he did). He tried to get us to the Party ranch in the valley over Hollywood Hills.Rule # 1 -always know how to get back home. He could not get me a ride back, so I did not go. The second time we met was at Pandora's Box on Sunset Strip. I wanted to see the hippies, and that was where they were, and so was he. (Within 30 days, they would have hacked Sharron Tate and others.) He had the same Energy level as My brother Bobby; I was able to see he was Full of shit. Later in #Scientology, I would realize he was a 1.1 or a covert hostile. Meet a director that lived in Pasadena, he had Won an Academy award..a middle eastern man of wealth.S tarted up the Blacklight business and had 10s of thousands of posters in his 2 mansions. He was the set designer for Ben Hur or 10 Commandments. I think he won the Academy Award for set design. I Smoked weed every day. Before I left Hollywood in the summer of 69, I would meet Rock Hudson 2 times. One afternoon, I was picked up by a body

Builder in a Corvette on Hollywood Blvd and taken for a ride into Hollywood Hills. I was hired to work at this male prostitution provider. Lovely house with 6 or 8 other guys. All naked in the pool area. After a few hours, I asked to be dropped off at the Hollywood strip. He did. I was him off and on for the 5 weeks scouting for guys. I was only 15 and hired to work as a teen hustler. I liked working my own way. Joe had to help me out with a man who had tried to force handcuffs on me in an apartment just off Hollywood Boulevard. Had to escape onto a roof in my underwear in broad daylight 100 feet from Hollywood Boulevard. This would be the 2ND time I saved my life by climbing onto a roof. The Gold Cup restaurant was John's main hangout.

I told Joe what had happened; they had already returned to Indy. He had a friend bodybuilder who was also a protector. Joe paid for him to watch me. He paid a visit to the apartment. I took him down to the location of the attempted Handcuffing to confront the guy. He had already moved out. This guy was gay, tried to talk me into making porn films or happy ones. I was not gay and only worked as a hustler for money and was not interested in gay cinema. One Saturday in The summer of 69. I was standing in my corner of Gower and Hollywood when #RockHudson approached me and asked if I would like a ride. He stayed seated in his car. I would wave him on. I recognized the MManand the voice right away.
I never tricked young men. I knew he expected a free-be and was young, so I said no thanks to Rock Hudson. He was in an older Mercedes Benz. Up the street comes this bodybuilder. I promised him I would tell him if I would be in this porn with him. He was walking very fast toward me. Then something unusual happened. Rock Hudson had circled the block and came back for a second hit on me and pulled to the curb. This time, I guess he got out of his car to impress me. At the same time, this guy is asking me loudly, yelling if I will be in the porn from Hollywood Blvd as Rock Hudson is asking me out on a Date from the side street around the corner. I suddenly heard a trumpet sound, oh no, not again. As I looked skyward, a voice rang to say you may grow up to be president someday. I told him no, I Looked at Rock as This guy yelled out Hey, you Rock Hudson I made eye contact with him, shaking my head no. He gets back in his car and drives away. I left Hollywood after 5 weeof ks meeting movie stars, Directorthe s, Holy #Krishna Go and d,squand, ers etcand ., I had 2200 saved. I had been to Disneyland. I was ready to go take on the Demon at Home.
My stepmom is named Larry Blankenship. Now Harris.


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