No One is above the law. Wrong; That does not compute. A scientific law is above man made law. There are dynamics.

What is a Law besides a continuous thought to place a thumb in the hole in a dike holding back the natural waves of life? Fix not the hole but the dike to replace the thumb. Thou shall not steal. It is unneeded if everything needed is provided. An Ethical Concept. The wife shall not covet another husband. The law creates women who are twice as likely to cheat as a man. This is proven daily in the divorce courts across this land. A divorce needs to be abolished, though no law allows it. What, then, is this contradiction that causes every war known to humanity. One only needs to look at the Animal kingdom for their results. When one finds cancers and diseases in other life forms, it can be conceived that thoughts are not the cause but a symptom of life. One does not follow two but proceeds it. One plus One does not equal eleven, no matter how many ways you add it up. Why does the human mind think it is God? The Ten Commandments was an old attempt to keep humanity insid...