
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Bipartisan Plan To Launch Third Political Party

The single marker for the possibility of creating a third party hinges on the same question of whether there is a third sex or party. With that insanity, we have created thousands of new sex models. All singles are different in some way to any other party except the first two. Male and Female. Democratic and Republician, The two parties  Proven over 250 to work for our model of governance and people.  We are too just and too splintered to be good at it any other way at this time. All voting problems are simple dress codes of different sexualities.

Monday, February 20, 2023

The purpose of existence.

 We do not know the purpose of existence at this time. If one tries to view the entire Universe at once, one becomes confused and fogged out. There are unlimited numbers of Universes. Therefore there is an infinite number of everything. You and I both are infinite. We are anchored to the past and future, trying to discover the new Universe we live threw. Universes appear to start, go, then stop or die or go out to pasture, and We become the anchor point for others searching for the same thing. Why are we? Who are we? How come there is me? Life is one of the billions of movements at any moment. Death does not create an end but a new beginning. We only recall some of this because we do not recall all at once. Or life as we call it. Death by any means is continuing.

When one falls for love, he becomes all of it. He is at his entire wondering and possibilities. Then one discovers the limits of the creation one is within. Something being planted in the ground as a tree is limiting until one realizes the feeling of blowing in the wind. Existence is everything and then some. No one is lost or insane. It could be off your channel dial. The reason for existence is a much broader search than existence itself. What is known is a teacup full of reasoning. We are so we can be. We are so we can understand, and we know so we can grow. We grow because we are in Constance go. When we stop, we get orders for a new direction as a being of some kind or live rock. Without a rock, you have no mountain. Without a clock no time. Without light know mind.

All life has a purpose. Everything is as it should/could be. Death brings a collapse of what's been built on it. A family crumbles, a wife a widow, a child day less. Daddy, whoever gets a reset and a new go-to, go on. Heaven, as known, is just a resting place while waiting on new orders. There is more unseen than seen. A reason for your existence may never become known to you in any lifetime. If you think you got it hard, try being a rock for a few million years. Or a drop of water in the middle of an ocean. Yet each is in a go pattern. The patterns get smaller and more prominent at the same time. Even a rock can grow moss, be rained on, or be used as a tool by a beast of wonder. There is more action going on, more beings and support groups of things in one body than in a Galaxy. Everything is simply smaller or larger, yet the same. Want to discover this Universe and get a new level of medicine in the Q? That would require a higher level of education and a better generation of children's minds. Our future is not our past but a continuation of the same. When we reach an end, we forget to start a new beginning. Life becomes stale. Others become odd, and the ground we walk on is uncertain. Trust is throughout the window as if others have no might. They do.

Look at the eyes of a newborn watching its mom or dad. It is heaven in the present tense. Time is felt by a feeler, not seen, although it is a predictor of the present. He looks older. He seems wise; he looks untrustworthy. The world as we know it is about to move forward in a new Industrial revolution. When One predicted the last industrial revolution, one could not say I incision a car, train, or rocket fuel. Each brought forth millions of other changes, from the traffic cop to the gas tank cap. But it is going to happen. We must allow this to come about because of our children and their children. We must stop focusing on the past crop of old ways and move once again forward. I see much heather and happier future for humankind as he realizes he is a bigger whole.

We are all in this together. That crying child is the next Einstein and Ford. The followings are John Wayne and W.C. Fields. That teacher in front of your child could have been a brain surgeon saving a few lives a year. Instead, she is molding far more essential resources for all our futures. Yes, we have sickness, abuse, hate, and deception. Let's talk about something other than the government here and now. It needs a serious reboot. This reboot will take time. We need a grand cake baker. An artist and a group of timekeepers. Where do we go from here, Up and out? All of us. Is there a God? They're everywhere.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Joe Rogan SHOCKED by Jordan Peterson's HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT

It is the darkness that gives away the details with light. Light gives objectivity to form, and to form that provides comfort to Humankind threw new design. A government with a dark project is for the power of those needing knowledge. That need restricts all other sources of results to all of Humankind. Like a bee discovering a new field of flowers filled with honey, It is useless to hold the haul for a make-believe Darkness against the greater good of all...What would the world have been like if the government boys hoarded the first gold strike of 1949? There would be no California as we know it. No Hollywood. No san Fransico and No Silicone Valley. No Hoover dam or the west coast at all, no Area 51. No, Raythoan, That would be good. All government agencies need to be brought into the light and examined by the children whose skinny, poorly educated bodies and minds can explore them, and there, they can consume as they deem proper. The old carcass of the government. Then they can be held up on the four corners of our nation for all to see what betraying the larger self can do to everything in its way, even in the minds of the sick imaginations of good men. Let us move this government sideways, not forward. The Children build their own runway system to the ever-after through the power of Religion Knowledge and expectation of the now. Vote for a Children's Party candidate next election.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Public Party; First Definition;: Life liberty and justice for all.

Public Party; First Definition;: Life liberty and justice for all.:     Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness threw justice for all. The way to power all compelling Supreme Court of the land has declare...

Life liberty and justice for all.

    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness threw justice for all. The way to power all compelling Supreme Court of the land has declared a fetus to be a person, so a person it shall be with all rights and responsibilities. The Supreme Court has announced that a corporation is an Alive, breathing entity with equal rights under the same law as you. Therefore, I declare a fetus, and all children have a right to vote. Age has no bearing on this pursuit of happiness, life, or liberty. A corporation that does harm pays a fine. No person is sent to prison for crimes against the environment, a person or people, or groups of people. This treatment by governments to corporations violates a promise of trust through the constitution and the bill of rights. Therefore a Child from fetus to full birth also has no period for prosecutable changes to face in any court of law up to eighteen. Our children are not products of the corporate political parties or all laws.


All individuals have a right to this law regarding their rights to pursue happiness or a future of their creation and control, religious education, and the wholeness of family. Somebody should provide All education and the tools and parts of that education. Should be provided to any and each said child of man. Any and every cooperation having said rights, which include the right to donate excessively to political campus and the power to push laws, has a simple and individual responsibility to each individual for their hanky panky and should be allowed under the laws of this country to be sued by anyone for damages, Only those with individual citizenship to the better welfare of other citizens of this country have a right to vote hold office and make laws. In a true democracy, they would be no dual citizenship. No more than there is a duel or marriage of more than one wife and one husband. No plural marriages. If cooperation has a right, then every man, woman, child, and fetus has the same, at least, rights under the law. If one sues a corporation, the state must provide a lawyer for their rights to due process. Police have no business in the raising of our future leaders and their followers, our kids. Donnie Harold Harris