Life liberty and justice for all.

    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness threw justice for all. The way to power all compelling Supreme Court of the land has declared a fetus to be a person, so a person it shall be with all rights and responsibilities. The Supreme Court has announced that a corporation is an Alive, breathing entity with equal rights under the same law as you. Therefore, I declare a fetus, and all children have a right to vote. Age has no bearing on this pursuit of happiness, life, or liberty. A corporation that does harm pays a fine. No person is sent to prison for crimes against the environment, a person or people, or groups of people. This treatment by governments to corporations violates a promise of trust through the constitution and the bill of rights. Therefore a Child from fetus to full birth also has no period for prosecutable changes to face in any court of law up to eighteen. Our children are not products of the corporate political parties or all laws.


All individuals have a right to this law regarding their rights to pursue happiness or a future of their creation and control, religious education, and the wholeness of family. Somebody should provide All education and the tools and parts of that education. Should be provided to any and each said child of man. Any and every cooperation having said rights, which include the right to donate excessively to political campus and the power to push laws, has a simple and individual responsibility to each individual for their hanky panky and should be allowed under the laws of this country to be sued by anyone for damages, Only those with individual citizenship to the better welfare of other citizens of this country have a right to vote hold office and make laws. In a true democracy, they would be no dual citizenship. No more than there is a duel or marriage of more than one wife and one husband. No plural marriages. If cooperation has a right, then every man, woman, child, and fetus has the same, at least, rights under the law. If one sues a corporation, the state must provide a lawyer for their rights to due process. Police have no business in the raising of our future leaders and their followers, our kids. Donnie Harold Harris


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