
Monday, December 19, 2022

In The Year 2025 if woman still survive...

  What are the possibilities that Trans People will push all our little girls into a new state of existence Unknown, Imagined, or dreamt of at any time in the last 10200 years of the entire world's history? Like the current direction of the Insane Democratic Party and their push for Nuclear War over Ukraine- or the end of humankind as known threw out world history- we must draw the lines of our strategy as a God Fearing people and worshippers of Individual Rights, Truths, and Independence. First, there were racial opposites in Marriages. Then Gay rights that lead to a Sunomie of unpredictable change. One at a time. After ruining tens of thousands of lives with the misunderstood use of child porn laws and what it means to who, we allow men to groom our next TOTAL generation of children with explicit public sex shows in public places. Grown men act as if each one of them has not been subject to Attacks as children by Mothers everywhere. It is a miss direct of high consequences. The Trans Knowns they are sick. What is sick? "Not a normal state of knowable existence." If this condition continues, we will not need to be worried about Russia or North Korea. If fact, we may beg them for our end. We must reline ourselves or the Unknown world. God will do it for us. Unite with Unity. The root cause of this mess is The Catholic Church and its grooming programs for Sexually insane men in their academics. Come forward, all Christians, and let us take our country back Before We, As the Indian Nations, Known.

The Devil will prevail if left unchanged. Soon the word @Mother will not exist. At nine, in 1953, I was raped by two Catholic Priests on the Saturday before Easter Sunday. I was nine years old. As a Christian Prodigy, I lost my way until now. At 13, I was sex trafficked for years by Local and visiting Catholic Priests. About 25 in total. I later would be Molested By Dick Lugar, later a U.S.Senator. I turned down sex twice with Rock Hudson in 1969. As you can guess, I spent my life wrapped in terror and confusion and deep, deep fear that someday I, too, would assault the innocent children of God, Children, God's gift to the future of humankind. Mothers, God's gift to humanity. Now we repay this blessing by wanting to destroy all women/mothers. Not On My watch. I now need your help. Our domestic threat is twice the Magna tude of our world threat. Therefore, I humbly Announce I will run for the Office of the Presence of the United States in 2024 as an Independent candidate. Donnie Harold Harris

Wednesday, November 9, 2022



Great granddad


Once there is that that never was.

 What is truth? What are lies? What is up? What is down? Is left really right? Is right a simpler version of the left. Is cause mighty? Is left lost with one shoe on? Is right a side track of theweggie board? Can one walk? Can one run? Hit the road and see if you walk or run. Do you go toward the Son? A way to the moon. Beyound the clouds and away from the Boom.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

In the beginning here was

 The basic building blocks of life (BBB Of L) are position, location, direction, and drive. The area seems to be the easy one. Until later when one sees the stars. The moon and the milky way. Position could mean body. Position in a family or higher race or group. Male female only child or one in many. All things are born in the hopes of the family who want more and better for each of you. Race and religion lifestyle and course of action. Most are positions of many. Lots of cells make up a liver or fingernail. When the finger grows in the womb, they are not disregarded during growth. They are a lifetime friend to the whole body. They can carry food, pick up an afraid child, or scratch a lover's back. They simply become part of the entire body. No other body part can question this. This happens because of a drive from a knowing source; DNA. The eyes do not ask permission to see. The nose asks not for a head nod to smell or the finger to feel. He hits resistance to change from Mom and Dad or brothers and sisters as he moves forward. All done with love that shows up on a spectrum of ways from Rape to guidance in know-how. Unknowingly the female takes the brunt of early life tragities to family through careing and confused moms and dads. The biggest hurdles for any child worldwide are starvation and Manipulation. Fault finding is a basic layer of growth. The fault finder finds the forest and the things within it to eat and survive. We see each other for the strength of self while wearing each other's reach. Democracy is built on this structure alone. This results in police states and crime and punishment way out of scope for a lifetime. It results in laws favoring the rich, who also are powerful. Tell your teenage boy or girl to get out of the house at twelve years old and take care of themselves to see how much power a mom or dad has. Give that power to strangers, and you have Brutalities from the bottom of life to the top. Judges are murdered as Police casually shot Our Black Men like they are at the county fair showing off to others. As they themselves become self-positioning and locating, they can take back their lifes. The dangers of growth are laddened with layers of traps designed to locate you. If all else fails you will be imprisoned for what you were directed into doing by the rest of life. Yo are not alone. Never have been. What happens when you go to school at 6? The flood gate open and you are awash in new interesting and compelling knowledge. Is it real? Are you lucky? Are you the one? As life goes on you become entangled in its fears, misuses and must-haves. Who can you trust in a world like ours. There is only a few.  Forget about the nuns of olden days. They are the fodder of there local priest on on up. So sad to see those that gave there lives for love of Humanity only to have to work under foot of a prinical group of Child rapest and disillusionised artists. Although some pefer the lush beauty of a pure female. One of Gods greatest creations. Although God's children could not resist sex with these goddesses on earth; until he kicked them out of his house. Why was Gods firstborn all Boys anyway? Drive. In an unknown Universe, men are more able for this work. Women have more important work than even that. And now some men want to again ruin the mix by asking others to believe they are women. This planet is alive as a whole as sure as it is alive as you. The rocks can sing and the ocean are alive. Mother earth is about to have another offspring in the form of life moving of world ot another place. She will not let her offspring be anything other than perfect. Time to get rid of the nukes. Part two The rise and fall of the final push to survive as a whole world. All inperfections of Humanity are forms of birth defects. Starting Some bad guys and good guys with help from the Females. Time to make plans for a whole World Nest.