The ninth Dynamic- The making of God Revealed that a being must become all things to become one thing. A snail to a weasel to a man. A plant to an animal from a rock. A planet to a galaxy to a universe. Something from nothing. Out from in and up over down. Male over female. Dualism, or the twin, was God's idea of a particular way of living in time. Zoroaster was his first scribe after billions of years of flight. He expanded the twin to cause and effect. Good from evil, Jesus from The Devil. All the same thing separated at last. From this discovery, humanity became Humankind. Like type selves like an atom, or a cell, an organ, a working body, a divine causation, A whole working together kind. Building together in likeness to a higher state or kind. A seed develops into a womb to become a humankind. A seed becomes a field of wheat to eat and survive. Without the womb, the seed can't survive. Without the ground, humanity cannot survive. The dynamic goes in all ways in all direc...