Why is science failing as Religion failed? Published on March 2, 2022 Edit article View stats Status is online donnie harold harris Candidate for U.S. Senate Indiana 2022 Unity Party of Indiana 130 articles Only you can see this article. It’s been removed because it goes against our Professional Community Policies. Learn more Our bodies are made out of water and chemicals. What happens is we Have too little or too much of either water or chemicals (medicine)? Our illness overtakes us, or we OD. We dehydrate or drown. According to the medico's, there are more things wrong with our bodies than are right. According to the Nut doctors, we have more lifetime mental illnesses than sanity markers. I am not sure who Nuts is, the patient, or the doctor. Do you know? Overeat, and you get fat. Overeat a lot or eat the wrong food for your body type and you become diseased and die. Yet there is no Cure for obesity. Why? No cure for loneliness. Why? No solution for clean water is simplif...