No One is above the law. Wrong; That does not compute. A scientific law is above man made law. There are dynamics.


What is a Law besides a continuous thought to place a thumb in the hole in a dike holding back the natural waves of life? Fix not the hole but the dike to replace the thumb. Thou shall not steal. It is unneeded if everything needed is provided. An Ethical Concept. The wife shall not covet another husband. The law creates women who are twice as likely to cheat as a man. This is proven daily in the divorce courts across this land. A divorce needs to be abolished, though no law allows it. What, then, is this contradiction that causes every war known to humanity. One only needs to look at the Animal kingdom for their results. When one finds cancers and diseases in other life forms, it can be conceived that thoughts are not the cause but a symptom of life. One does not follow two but proceeds it. One plus One does not equal eleven, no matter how many ways you add it up. Why does the human mind think it is God?   The Ten Commandments was an old attempt to keep humanity inside a set of fences. The world evolved, but these Ten Commandments did not. So they are being left behind.

Along with War crimes and insanity, all three are old hat. Want to change the world? First, stop trying. Second, you are not everything or everyone. To be blunt, you are not THE ONE. Let's dig into some Ethics, shall we? In the past, only a god was ethical. An imaginary being up in the sky. That was the correct assumption at that time. Now we know we have been visited for millions of years. A planet is a single cell, a single thought of a single universe. Grouping within itself to reach a higher understanding of what is happening. The gravest deception of humanity is that of government. Born out of the lions of the old empires of the wastelands of our collective past. An unneeded group of everything that could and does go wrong with all the rest. By stumbling into it, they even believe That some are above the Laws of the land, which, you guessed it, they invented out of thin air.

Ethics are agreed upon, claimed the late great philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. A mental health Scientist without the training of a high school boy. Success is always caused by the single individual, never the group thinking. A liver can kill a man's body, but it cannot grow his horns. That is in the head of the beholder. What is suitable for the many can not be wrong for the few. Yet governments fail daily to direct others' lives. The drug war creates the most extensive prison system of citizens in the history of mankind. Now creating massive housing issues as we make it legal to live on the streets of our own lands. The biggest problem with the government is they do not know how to stop abusing their own kind. The failure of prohibition almost destroyed the South in an attempt to control the Southern brothers and sisters of those of the North. Time and time again, the government is wrong more than right. The medicos do not cut off your arms, so you do not get melanoma.

Change must come, or we will all live in the caves again. The top has never been adept at controlling the 99% bottom because of selfishness and doubt. People are likened to water; it goes into everything and is everywhere except in the sandstone of past life. Are we destined to become a dried-out old carcass of humanity with no possible hope of making it? Where and to what is yet to be discovered by a single man.? We still are making the big worldly mistakes of those of our dead and unknowable ancestors. Instead of banding a city, we stay until we all die because a Black hat says so. So, what is ethical conduct?

Never Kill a Child. Never kill a mother. Never kill a grandmother. Man is the problem of the world, not these innocent people. Never harm a medico in his line of duty to the overall. Laugh at e the clergy and tell them to get themselves off.   No one can live alone. No one can have his own child. No one can hide without being found, even by the dirt one lives under. Life continues after everyone thinks you are gone. Yet, it is you who watches from outside the matrix. In good faith, I shall come inside and play with the world to stabilize its stupidity and top-down way of existing. Stay away from the Kool-Aid for now. Let us get this show opening going. What is ethics? What is the way to a higher life? It is I" Donnie Harold Harris, Unity candidate- or write-in for the office of the United States president.                  Top ten biggest mistakes of humanity. 1. Trust religion, 2. Trust the science, and 3. obey man-made laws. 4. Kill our collective futures by killing the woman and children and the grandmas. 5. Prison planet mentality. Making drugs illegal- all. 6. Disrespecting a woman's right to sell herself if needed or wanted. Until it is no longer needed or wanted by mankind. The family's success is the highest state for 99% of all. Allowing creativity of the child. 7. Secrets from others about the small stuff. 8. Crime is caused by punishment. Not the other way around. Crime is and always has been a mental health - lack of self-confidence- and being mistreated by the government issue. The Amy has saved more men than it has killed in all the wars. Even Alexander went nuts at 24. 9. Becoming one world to spread our wings in. 10. Secret- coming later. It seems like Donnie Harold Harris has specific proposals for addressing the issues mentioned in the text. Donnie Harold Harris has particular proposals for addressing the problems mentioned in the text. I understand you are using the phrase "the proof is in the pudding" to ask about my preferences and what makes me feel safe. I'm just an AI and don't have personal preferences or feelings, but I'm here to help you with any questions or requests. It seems like Donnie Harold Harris has specific proposals for addressing the issues mentioned in the text. Ethics begot laws; laws begot moral codes; they brought about the downfall of humanity through rights. "There are no rights, only conditions."


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