
FBI Investigator, John Desouza - Alien City Discovered Under Ice in Anta...


Hunter S. Thompson Exposed as Child Murderer #Pizzagate


Tom Cruise Exposed as Gay Pedophile #Pizzagate


The results of a life well lived.

What after all is this Life Business all about? This Human life, This Human body? This supposed Universal soul? Is it only about living? Only about a Will to survive? A Need to BE!  Is something bigger directing us as we direct our own body? Are we but a single cell, if-you-will, of some with several levels of beingness above us. As well as below. Can the fear of going lower in existence be possible as Budda advised(a bug). Can you go Straight to Hell as Catholics say is really possible? As the Possibilities increase so do the advantages and risk. If you want to be one of The only ones to known then Be here Sept 15 @ the cross roads of Hell, Indianapolis to meet God Yourself. All world religions must have a rep to welcome him. Those that do not will be deleted from the future. No except. It Is "I AM."

"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You.

"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You. : Changing the way you live. The building blocks for Humanity is Evident in the Dynamic levels of Existence Correlated and placed into the rig...

Dice No More - Social Darwinism

Dice No More - Social Darwinism

Dice No More - Social Darwinism

Dice No More - Social Darwinism