The first election for president of the United States was possibly the first and last valid election for this office. We, the people in each area of the developing nation, picked our brightest to go off to a far land to choose from among ourselves our first crop of leaders. They would pick from among themselves those who would pick from among themselves until A proper number was picked and new offices and divisions were created. Like a plane designer decided to ditch the wings for this new thing, the rocket that became a lander and the space shuttle were then developed with the wings back on as needed. What would happen if the farm animals picked their farmer. The plants had a vote, the trees got together, and they chose a leader they decided they thought would best serve them. The chicken roosted, and cocks crowed until they, too, were able to determine their pick. It is not based on the money 3 billion spent to elect Trump, who was going to be elected anyway, being the best poss...