The eight natural stages of existanece. Why America is failing ethically to led.

   I. When my family, nine generations back, landed on the soil of Jamestown for the first time, they were deceived by the group's leaders. It has been downhill in every sense. The natural-born generations of the natives watch in dismay as we destroy the infrastructural structure of Nature. Dieing from the white man's disease carried over the pond to those unaware and unknowing. They were then starved to death over the winter. The white man failed because of a lack of know-how and allowed a learned man to lead. A huge mistake that would wipe out Millions of Indians and dominate trillions of acres of land by Cutting down everything that lived, including the natural-born peoples known collectively as Savages. To get what they wanted from those lower-class people, they had to have a story to follow. The uneducated migrants moved on to strick up a life of their own uninhibited by the Catholic church and their evil practices. They were believers, just not in the fixed, sadistic ways of the Catholic Church. All that none sense of 10% donations was a tax on living. Or it is you that will die. Laws, courts, and the hangman's nott were the cause of the day. When other family members fought to relieve us of the oppressive English, they gave power to the people in different coats. Billions of Laws later, you can not scratch an itch in public without some complaint. As the population grew, more and more laws had to be passed to keep the sheep in the pasture for hair and meat—and the cow and so on. The church started to be in the bedroom with each newly married couple. Their children had to be educated the right way. A teacher had to be controlled. Now, we spend Billions and Billions to keep moms at work and the babies at the government-run daycare called "Head Start." That should be renamed to, except you will come in last. Science shows us without any doubt that the first four years are the cornerstone of a person's total existence. Left on their own, a baby would never know how to walk. With the wrong education, he would only learn how to be a slave. We as a people need to keep moms at home doing the natural Nature of being moms to a creative child. That would make dads happy and cut down on domestic violence, molestation, child abuse, drug addiction, and the side of marriage sex. The mighty men of wherewithal want your wives at work. They like homesite confusion. They make themselves more valuable through the illusion of hope. Add 300 years of power change from natural to manufactured law, and you have the mess Humankind is in. Men do not have babies, and are not transferable. The laws of universal type Show Religion as a Primary Force of Nature. Science is an Understandable knowledge-based force of Nature, and Laws are a cruel mixing of the two that are in the direction of the law provider. Take that shot, or you are fired and lose the family home. Have a drink of wine, drive, and we will strip you of everything. Humanity is lost in an imaginary allusion to righteousness brought about by the power of money. Seek you shall find is a primary law of existence that has been recodified to mean that When you get the proper license, pay permit fees and follow our laws. Look at Medicine. They had to do up dead people to study anatomy. What other secrets hidden in the plan site cannot be looked at? There are four rules for America to experience a reversal of the lost dreams of all its people, not the select few. 1. Legalize all drugs. 2. No violent prisoners in any prison are to be released. 3. Transform our military to be our saviors, not abused servants. IE. a Total overhaul of the V.A. and every tiny piece of it. For aftercare. Bonuses to stay in. 4. Change all tax codes federally so that no person making less than $100,000.00 a year is federally taxed. The company or corporation will pay all employee social security taxes that he did not agree to when Roosevelt came up with this scheme. After 100k, the tax will be decided by the Libertarian party. 100 percent health care. This will release trillions for research, not on weapons of mass destruction but weapons of medical miracles of mass health. ALL education will be paid for by the researcher's profits—no More fixed attention on the cost of a higher education. Health will deal with social illness, with no bars of any kind, such as domestic violence, drug addiction, medicine addiction, and booze. Or let us all throw in the towel and let the leads have what they have been waiting for called going Isreal on it. My real trouble is our children have been denationalized for two generations. We have this last one to break this ridiculous Idea that everyone and everything is equal. IT IS NOT. A wolf is not a lion, and a bird is not a whale. I have decided to run for The Presidency of the United States. To show and challenge every child that no matter their personal circumstance, they can reach and lead others for everyone's benefit, not just a few nut jobs that think they have a right to it. Fearmonger, you throw wealth position and influences about your personal family and religion or education system you have to believe in. The eighth level of life. 1. You are I. 2. Your children and personal family of male-female life. Your group family. 3. Your trade or larger group where Mattital fear is born. 4. All races and nationalities, Humankind as a whole. A humankind law would be simple. You cannot breathe air unless you pay for it. 5. The rights of all biological living things to live. 6. All things that seem unalive. Most are living, even a rock. 7. Thoughts and thought energies. I.E., ideas, hopes, dreams. Love, understanding, and praise. 8. God or the redo stage. 


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