Showing posts from February, 2023
A slave called "Horse with no name."
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My ancestors sing of the days long ago when they were a free race. The had a world of there own and a play ground of vast measures. Then without warning a new race of Animal appeared. riding other breads of horses. He followed us and stole our young. WE had no defences except to run further and further away from our home land. Soon after We had trouble having young as the females somehow got word of what was in store for there babies. Off we ran ran again into the unknown and perilous environment of our homelands. Whole groups of our families would vanish without a trace. Then it was me. While enjoying a run along a river bank a group of these aliens surrounded me with weapons unknown and undefendable against called carrolls and rope. Soon I would be hoarded within a tiny space, a part of another animal was draped upon my back. I was mounted by this alien race and force to do his will. I would fight and be beaten and abused. Then I realized I would not going to m...
Are you alive, Are you dead?
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Are you alive, and are you dead at the same time? Are you in the past, or are you in the future? Is it the Now you live for? Is there a now-not? Do you exist? What are you existing for? Are there more types of life in one human body than in the Milky Way Galaxy? Is a galaxy a larger human and the Universe still larger yet? Where did God come from? Do things go up, and do things go down. Is an Adem a planet and an adem of like kind a system of sorts? Like a muscle is a stytem and a foot a bigger system still?. Why can a Human understand and change a world, a sun system, or a galaxy? Is religion science? Is science a religion? Can they be wrong? Is God real? Is he an Only one? Can God be at every level of the game as someone different? Is He an undisclosed science? Is music math in sound or light in motion? Do we live forever and ever?
Bipartisan Plan To Launch Third Political Party
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The single marker for the possibility of creating a third party hinges on the same question of whether there is a third sex or party. With that insanity, we have created thousands of new sex models. All singles are different in some way to any other party except the first two. Male and Female. Democratic and Republician, The two parties Proven over 250 to work for our model of governance and people. We are too just and too splintered to be good at it any other way at this time. All voting problems are simple dress codes of different sexualities.
The purpose of existence.
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We do not know the purpose of existence at this time. If one tries to view the entire Universe at once, one becomes confused and fogged out. There are unlimited numbers of Universes. Therefore there is an infinite number of everything. You and I both are infinite. We are anchored to the past and future, trying to discover the new Universe we live threw. Universes appear to start, go, then stop or die or go out to pasture, and We become the anchor point for others searching for the same thing. Why are we? Who are we? How come there is me? Life is one of the billions of movements at any moment. Death does not create an end but a new beginning. We only recall some of this because we do not recall all at once. Or life as we call it. Death by any means is continuing. When one falls for love, he becomes all of it. He is at his entire wondering and possibilities. Then one discovers the limits of the creation one is within. Something being planted in the ground as a tree is limiting until...
Joe Rogan SHOCKED by Jordan Peterson's HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT
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It is the darkness that gives away the details with light. Light gives objectivity to form, and to form that provides comfort to Humankind threw new design. A government with a dark project is for the power of those needing knowledge. That need restricts all other sources of results to all of Humankind. Like a bee discovering a new field of flowers filled with honey, It is useless to hold the haul for a make-believe Darkness against the greater good of all...What would the world have been like if the government boys hoarded the first gold strike of 1949? There would be no California as we know it. No Hollywood. No san Fransico and No Silicone Valley. No Hoover dam or the west coast at all, no Area 51. No, Raythoan, That would be good. All government agencies need to be brought into the light and examined by the children whose skinny, poorly educated bodies and minds can explore them, and there, they can consume as they deem proper. The old carcass of the government. Then they can be he...
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Joe Rogan & Jordan Peterson: "All Hells Gonna Brea...
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