The Trump Card

Get out of jail free cards are good for jails.  A Trump card of sorts one could speculate with a placebo effect. With Dr. Harris out at the new Psychiatric Hospital here in Indianapolis, A new state of the art facility of sorts; Built to except recognize and understand the detection of those suffering from a mental dark time.  Well, let me tell what happens. The president wanted to Stop on an impromptu visit to the facility.   Now you have to To know Dr, Harris to understand That she is a Head above others in her game.  The Entrega stop and e jumped out. Well, I just happen to stop and have a look around when I notice a door and went in.  Dr, Harris to her time taking in 3-grade language to the President. He wanted to see if in fact there were any special areas with special people in them. Dr. Harris realized that she had a hot one on her hands. Like an artist, she painted there a way to a hallway that said Gog and a Few Others.  Trump ake alone and talked with Jesus and Moses and Noha Zoroaster and a few others when Budda was in front of Trump. He looked at Dr. Harris and Said you have any Presidents. Everyone Knows the Presidents are the Greatest human beings ever that lived. Shot and stepping back she said there was the secret place in a part of the building that you do not notice from the outside cause its in the middle of the building somewhere.  Dr. Harris turns to the current president of the United States of America down the hallway of presidents. They were all there. Trump meets them all. Until the very end when he notices a huge cell glorified in gold and oak.  I happen to be looking around about that time when he showed up and scared me. I ran out and slammed the door behind me yelling there a crazy man down there claiming to be a president.  Trump, unfortunately, started foaming at the mouth and the good Dr. Harris From The hospital Shut the door and left where a sign simply read my #Last Dance. Or was it Hello Mr. Pence Mr. President.


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