
Showing posts from January, 2018

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Union Street, Indianapolis, IN.46225

Private: Behind the men’s room door. SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Updated July 31, 2017 PUBLIC PARTY OF INDIANA EDIT "PRIVATE: BEHIND THE MEN’S ROOM DOOR." Rate This Shove it up your What FATHER? When I became born into this place called Hell-Eden, I came willingly upon a great mission, sent By the Highest of High Holiest of all Gods. The God of GOD(s). Brahman sent forth 3 of his sons to settle this class as it graduates into the Mainstream of Full existence and awareness. I arrived 8-1-53 7.29 AM Into the lowest class of mankind, The white race, @ the crossroads of America crossroads of the world. Before Leaving the Hospital as the 7TH child of a Teenage girl named Mary and The son of a Carpenter named Virgil. I was born an Identical twin with TTT-S. I would not see him again until almost 1 year later. I would be Viciously Sexual Attacked with my Dick cut on. A circumcision is an unneeded act of Hate by th...

Why The Sumerian Civilization is Way Too Controversial for Mainstream Hi...


Emotional Affairs - The Hidden Truth About Emotional Infidelity
