Veterans Everywhere Gaining Support in Supreme Court Case | LinkedIn

Veterans Everywhere Gaining Support in Supreme Court Case | LinkedInHealth care is the Most screwed up area of like on the planet right now. Look at the Nutcase in Ky to see why. Think your doctor or local pharmacist like you to live a healthy life? Think twice. There praising Jesus on you without your ok. That is not health care but Un-Ethical. Something most having no knowledge of. But happens to be Higher on the Totem pole then Dog Religous Servitude.You are better with no care then Hate Care. Or hate service like the Police cancer. Health care has become Religion Care. As politic has become Religion Politic. Even Through in a few Criminal Insurance companies Telling all that 40% of people are crooks. Even at a higher cost to them even if they covered them.  I say it is you that are the Underbelly criminals. You people disgust God, not Glorify Him with your personal sicknesses. If you do anything for God You are sick. God never comes from you. You do not know him Never had never will even in your death. Ever wonder why the world is getting sicker overall then better? Look to health care for that answer. It is only through Medicine, as a smaller level, Like food That will chance our lot. Not Quack pot Doctors.That have you think Mental Illness is a Disease.Pray to Eli Lilly He sets need to God on the Right side of His Thrown. It Is "I" 


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