As The Other Former Candidate for Governor in 2012, on the Public Party Of Indiana Ticket With George Fish, I am not surprised by what Mike Pence is About. This Hater, Governor Pence, Believes the World Is Flat. Or is That It is only 6000 old. You really would not want this man even as a local school teacher. I ask Him to remove himself from Office at this time. P/P of In.    The Suicide by self is easily understood by a Individual Attempt to do himself In. Suicide by a Individual of a Group. I.E. The Co-Pilot Kills All on Board.. Is harder to Understand. Suicide by Politician Is The destruction of a Larger way of Like by others. Even if we Pull out of this Deathbed- regrouping, The damage to our selves, as Citizen of this state of Mind, is Unpredictable at best. Lasting beyond our own time. WE are damaged internally. Pence Must Go.Public Party Of Indiana


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